1. Mistress Cruel Love - Chapter 4 - Mein Herrin! I Can Dance!

    Date: 7/5/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Authoritarian, BDSM Black, Bondage and restriction Consensual Sex Discipline, Domination/submission Exhibitionism Female Domination, Hardcore Humiliation Interracial, Masturbation Oral Sex Pegging, Plumper, Reluctance Sado-Masochism, Slavery, Spanking, Threesome Toys, Transvestite, Voyeurism Author: [James Bondage], Source: sexstories.com

    ... was my pleasure. Where's Darius?”
    “Oh, we bumped into an old acquaintance of his on the way in, so she's looking after him right now.”
    “Really? How fortunate! How bout I show you around and we have a little chat? I can't stay long. I have other activities planned for THESE filthy worms--”
    Beatrice gave the men's asses a forceful shove with the heel of her boot. They grunted into their leather gags as each was stabbed in the butt and jolted forward.
    “--but I have time enough to show you around a little.”
    “That sounds great, but I think maybe I should check on Darius first...”
    “Hun, you got nothing to worry about. Look here.” The experienced Domina pointed in a few different directions, indicating security cameras that were stationed all over the place. “This club has rules and its eyes are everywhere. Darius will be fine. If this woman violated his consent or tried to remove him from the club without your permission, she would be banned for life.”
    Heather smiled. Beatrice was already making the sexual underworld feel like home. Her worries were instantly dispelled. “You're right. I'm sure Darius is having a great time. Lead on!”
    * * * * *
    Darius licked and tongued away under the sweaty, fleshy mountains of Deborah's humongous ass. His face and neck were numb and he didn't care. She was holding his arms down by the wrists at both sides as she continued to rock her shelf-ass back and forth on his abused face. His cock pulsed painfully in its metal ...
    ... housing. He was loving every minute of it.
    How long had she been sitting on him and demanding oral worship? A half hour? More? It seemed she'd been right about Heather taking her time. Was his girlfriend really enjoying the thought of him being used like this? The questions assailed him in the moist darkness of Deborah's ass.
    Darius slithered his soiled tongue along her crack and into her portly pucker again. Just as he was pressing it into her depths, the ring of her anus expanded violently and rank gas exploded all over his face. He coughed and retched as her fart rippled into his mouth and nostrils. Deborah held onto his wrists fiercely.
    “Oops! Looks like I had a little something extra for you after all. Enjoy, slut!”
    She chuckled as he struggled weakly and inhaled her noxious fumes. Deborah continued to wriggle her crushing cheeks all over his face, making him wait a good fifteen seconds until she finally stood and offered him fresh air.
    Darius gasped in relief, his face covered in her musk and sweat. She looked down at him contemptuously with her hands on her rotund hips.
    “Did you enjoy that, Dana?”
    He couldn't deny it. Especially not when she used his secret name. “Yes, Miss Carruthers!”
    “It's Mistress Deborah. And of course you did, you sissy bitch!”
    She lowered herself again, pressing his head deep into the leather cushioning. Darius had lost count of the times she'd buried him with her globular mass. His face was consumed by stifling, ...