1. Mistress Cruel Love - Chapter 4 - Mein Herrin! I Can Dance!

    Date: 7/5/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Authoritarian, BDSM Black, Bondage and restriction Consensual Sex Discipline, Domination/submission Exhibitionism Female Domination, Hardcore Humiliation Interracial, Masturbation Oral Sex Pegging, Plumper, Reluctance Sado-Masochism, Slavery, Spanking, Threesome Toys, Transvestite, Voyeurism Author: [James Bondage], Source: sexstories.com

    ... back to the main room. Two pairs of heels clacked on the floor as they proceeded down the long, well-lit corridor. Framed Femdom artwork and advertisements for Femdom themed movies, books and classes adorned the walls as far as the eye could see.
    Heather was gushing at each new discovery. Beatrice looked thoroughly pleased with herself. The old matron lashed out with her crop periodically, encouraging her harnessed sluts to move faster. As they approached the lobby, she glanced over at her newest apprentice, noting how far she'd come in such a short time.
    “I can't tell you how glad I am that you're here tonight! That you've embraced the lifestyle so fully.”
    “Thank you, Beatrice. I've never been happier and I owe you so much! I don't think I'd be here without your guidance.”
    “Nonsense. You went to that shop of your own accord. I merely greased the wheels for your journey. Speaking of which, how is Darius handling all this? Has he fully accepted his new role?”
    “Yes, even better than I expected. He was reluctant at first, but always caved, eventually. No matter what I demanded. That's why I suspected he was a submissive from the beginning.”
    “All men are, dear. Some of them just don't know it yet.”
    Heather chortled. “I'm picking out his clothes regularly now. Darius is starting to fully embrace his new life. He obviously enjoys being a sissy maid and submitting 24/7, but it's taken a while for him to admit it. Especially to himself.”
    “Utterly ridiculous” ...
    ... Beatrice spat, looking down at her bitch-made men. “These fools fail to comprehend their own needs and desires. Patriarchy prevents their emotional development and sexual evolution. It stifles any social and personal growth they might experience. And then they're given power? Allowed to run the world?!? Not for much longer! HALT!!!”
    The leather and metal clad slaves came to an immediate stop as they approached the entrance to the party hall. The booming music and flashing lights had grown more prominent with each step, bringing the tunnel to echoing, pulsing life. Beatrice paused for a moment as the lighting gleamed on her shiny leather. She tapped her boot with her leather crop; lost in thought.
    “You know what Darius needs?” she asked, turning to Heather with a wicked smile.
    “A coming out party.”
    “Oh! Yes, that sounds like fun! What did you have in--”
    “Right here! At Club Ishtar. A full extravaganza to unveil him to the club and cement the boy in his new role!”
    “Hmmm, that sounds great, but I don't know if we can afford something like that right now. I just got my new venture setup and--”
    “Oh, stop it! My treat, of course.”
    One of the slaves started groaning and murmuring into his bit. The man's body wiggled in the grasp of the leash. Beatrice turned and scowled at him. “What is it Harold?!? Don't tell me you have to use the bathroom again?!?”
    “MMMHMMMM” he answered, nodding his hooded and harnessed head ...