1. Mistress Cruel Love - Chapter 4 - Mein Herrin! I Can Dance!

    Date: 7/5/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Authoritarian, BDSM Black, Bondage and restriction Consensual Sex Discipline, Domination/submission Exhibitionism Female Domination, Hardcore Humiliation Interracial, Masturbation Oral Sex Pegging, Plumper, Reluctance Sado-Masochism, Slavery, Spanking, Threesome Toys, Transvestite, Voyeurism Author: [James Bondage], Source: sexstories.com

    ... against it, treating it like a passionate lover. He placed a kiss on the metal beam before entering another series of elegant swings. The song continued building in intensity.
    'When men on the chessboard...
    Get up and tell you where to go!
    And you've just had some kind of mushroom...
    And your mind is moving slow!
    I think she'll know!'
    Darius and his backups all grabbed their poles and stuck their asses toward the audience. They began thrusting their booties and shaking their hips from side to side in time with the intense drumbeat. Three sets of billowy white ruffles and stocking clad legs shimmied before the crowd.
    'When logic! And proportion!
    And the white knight is talking backward!
    And the Red Queen, she's off with her head!'
    As the song built to its crescendo, Lexi and Riley performed their most acrobatic maneuvers. They whipped themselves around their poles and twisted into unbelievable forms that flowed gracefully from one to the next. Not wanting to be outdone, Darius jumped as high onto the center pole as he could and wrapped his silky legs around the sturdy unit. His momentum carried him around in gentle circles, swirling ever downward as he dipped his head back and his sissy-maid body corkscrewed back to the stage floor.
    The final guitar riff belted out and all three maids slowed to a stop; wrapped around ...
    ... their dance poles. The audience's reaction was immediate: wild applause, whistling and raucous shouts of encouragement and lust. The clapping went on as the two backups rose to their feet and hurried over to Darius. They reached down and each offered him a hand, raising the astonished sissy maid to his feet.
    “See! Nothing to it” Lexi said with a wink.
    Darius was as overwhelmed by his own reaction as he was by the crowd's. His body tingled with elation and relief. He'd actually enjoyed that! When, in the past, had he felt this alive? This desired? This sexy? Perhaps never.
    The spotlights all converged on Darius and the backup maids disappeared into the darkness of the stage. As the audience rose and continued their clapping and shouting, he took hold of the sides of his dress and dropped into a curtsy. He bowed to the crowd and showed off his dress repeatedly until the applause died off.
    Moments later the main lights were turned back on and the spotlights faded away. Climbing up the short staircase to the stage was Mistress Styx in all her gleaming leather glory. She stalked across the glossy hardwood maple floor towards Darius, her boot heels echoing across the room as she approached. The fearsome woman pointed her crop in his direction and gave a single command.
    Darius was caught off guard and hesitated briefly.
    “DO WHAT SHE SAYS, DANA!” Heather shouted from the front row.
    “DO WHAT THEY ALL SAY!” Beatrice followed up and the crowd laughed.
    He ...