1. Mistress Cruel Love - Chapter 4 - Mein Herrin! I Can Dance!

    Date: 7/5/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Authoritarian, BDSM Black, Bondage and restriction Consensual Sex Discipline, Domination/submission Exhibitionism Female Domination, Hardcore Humiliation Interracial, Masturbation Oral Sex Pegging, Plumper, Reluctance Sado-Masochism, Slavery, Spanking, Threesome Toys, Transvestite, Voyeurism Author: [James Bondage], Source: sexstories.com

    ... her arriving guests and turned back to the head Domina. “In twenty minutes, a star will be born.”
    * * * * *
    The hall had gone dark and Darius held onto his poll with velvety gloved hands. His maid outfit clung to his body with silky smoothness, providing him some relief from the mounting tension. Looking out into the audience he could hear light chatter and see a few fiery dots where people were enjoying cigarettes or cigars. He doubted that was legal, but it probably wasn't the only way Club Ishtar flouted the law.
    He breathed deeply as he waited for the music to start. His sissy backups told him the song they'd be dancing to and, luckily, he was familiar with it. Riley had informed him it was considered a beginner song for pole dancing. Darius offered a silent thank you to Heather for allowing him to wear short heels for his first dance. Anything taller than two inches might've been catastrophic.
    Three spotlights activated and poured light onto Dana, Riley and Lexi. The song began as the rhythmic, almost military-style, drumming of Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit flowed from the room's speakers and filled the hall. Darius placed his hands on his sides and rolled his shoulders and hips in time with the beat. Lexi and Riley revolved around their respective poles and twirled their bodies in small circles. As the song entered its first verse, Darius joined them.
    'One pill makes you larger.
    And one pill makes you small.
    And the ones that mother gives ...
    ... you...
    Don't do anything at all.
    Go ask Alice... when she's ten feet tall.'
    Riley and Lexi both went to the floor and Darius moved with them. They flattened themselves face-forward before lifting their torsos and shaking their chests at the crowd. They began rolling over themselves and stroking their silk and lace clad bodies up and down as they continued gyrating to the building music.
    'And if you go... chasing rabbits.
    And you know you're bound to fall.
    Well tell 'em a hookah... a smoking caterpillar.
    Has given you the call.
    Call Alice... when she was just small.'
    Part of Darius couldn't believe he was doing this, but now that the music was playing and the lights were shining on him, instinct took over. The crowd demanded dancing sissies and he was there to accommodate.
    The three maids all slid onto their knees and jumped to their feet before approaching their poles once again. Riley leapt onto his poll and pulled himself up, slowly twirling his lithe body on high. Lexi slung herself around her pole and then entered a full split, lowering herself to the ground. She slowly pulled herself back up, shaking her hips and ass the whole way.
    Darius knew he couldn't do anything that advanced yet, but he confidently swung himself around the pole faster. He made a circular kick with his right leg as high as he could, giving the crowd a peek at the satin undergarments below his petticoats. He stroked the pole up and down and gyrated his French maid form ...