1. A Captain Decision

    Date: 7/5/2024, Categories: Science-Fiction , Alien, Death, Violence Author: pars001, Source: sexstories.com

    ... showed the readings to Janeway and Kirk. "I take it, this is the first time the pain has been this bad?" He asked.
    I tried to look at him, then barely nodded my head, even this felt as if a knife was plunging my brain. "Yeah, you could say that," I croaked. "Compared to this? The pain I have experienced before. It was a scratch compared to having a knife plunged into me."
    "Well, your analogy is, uh hum, quite colorful if not highly de***********ive. Unfortunately, I don't seem..." Picard stopped, a shocked look on his face. "That is unexpected," he said as he pulled a hypo from his bag.
    Janeway also gained a shocked look, seeing the name of the medication on the hypo. "Is that what I think it is?"
    Picard hesitated then nodded his head. "I don't remember it being in there when I packed my ready bag." Looking at Kirk he asked, "do you know it?"
    Kirk looked as he started to read, "hypospra... this looks much like what Starfleet was developing, after what happened to McCoy.... a good friend of mine."
    "I can't seem to remember anything about that," Janeway said.
    "Crodasome, nasty stuff, more than a little can drive a man insane. If I'm not mistaken, what happened to your doctor, something about a gatekeeper?" Picard said.
    Kirk was nodding, looking at Picard closely. "How do you know about that? It was classified top security after that."
    "It was declassified just recently; we have managed to place heavy safety guards around the gate and planet. Well, ...
    ... that and two ships are patrolling at all times," Picard said.
    They all turned to me as I slightly groaned, "not to hurry you? I am in a hell of a lot of pain."
    "I am sure, but the use of this could kill you, especially as much..." Picard started.
    "If I was a normal human, yes, as you have seen, I obviously am not. Now, if you please, give it to me before I pass out again," I told the four of them.
    "I do this under duress... " Picard started.
    "If you don't? I may never be able to send you back," I said, as I could feel consciousness slipping again.
    Picard looked at the others who nodded, then injected me with a sigh. From the moment it hit my system, I felt the pain start to fade as if washed away.
    Within two minutes, I felt as normal as normal was to a very high esper. I stood nodding to Picard and the others.
    I turned toward Reynolds, "Captain Malcolm Reynolds, I apologize for your being here. Now then, be well," I said as Reynolds's face held a shocked look, said what, then he was suddenly gone.
    Janeway turned to me "what have you done?"
    "Now that I can see what to do? I sent him back to his universe," I said, as if it were nothing. I turned to Picard, "you might also notice that I am attempting to shift my mind so I have more control. Though at the moment, I only have half what I need, for now. It seems that when I brought you here, I also brought twenty hostile ships," I told them.
    "Hostile? There are a number of those in our universe," Kirk ...