1. A Captain Decision

    Date: 7/5/2024, Categories: Science-Fiction , Alien, Death, Violence Author: pars001

    ... I somehow knew wasn't working.
    "No, I was on the bridge when I was suddenly here. I have to ask, you're Captain Kirk, aren't you?" Janeway asked. "Your uniform is a few centuries out of date. You two, I know, the other two? I have no idea."
    Dylan Hunt walked up to the three, extending his hand. "Captain Dylan Hunt, formally of the Commonwealth."
    All three looked at Hunt strangely. Kirk stated as he shook Hunt's hand, "Captain James T. Kirk, Star Fleet, United Federation of Planets."
    Hunt turned as Picard shook his hand, "Captain Jean-Luc Picard, also Starfleet."
    He then looked at the female taking her hand. "Captain Kathryn Janeway, also Star Fleet."
    All four turned to the man almost barricaded against the wall near the corner of the room.
    "I'm sure you've noticed energy weapons don't seem to work here. Why not join us?" Janeway said. "At least tell us who you are."
    "As if it matters, Captain Malcolm Reynolds, earth alliance. I am fine right here, haven't survived this long "trusting" others," Malcolm said, still working on getting his weapon working.
    "So far, it appears that the only thing common to us is we are all Captains," Hunt said. "That and this humanoid here, for the life of me I cannot identify the species."
    "He appears to be human, though from the manner of dress, I'd say late 20th, early 21st century," Picard said.
    "Late 20th century," I croaked from the couch. This immediately brought their attention to me. I indicated the cord ...
    ... that had me immobilized. "If you don't mind, please untie ..."
    I think I was more shocked than them when the cords just fell off me. Then the ripping pain passed through my head. One moment I was on the couch, the next I was on the floor convulsing.
    "What's wrong with him?" I heard Dylan ask.
    "I have no idea," Kirk said. "If our tricorders were working, I might be able to find out a little more of what's happening."
    I looked at Picard, thought about his tricorder working, then almost passed out from the pain again. Picard's eyes went wide as his tricorder started to work.
    "Ah!" Picard said. "This man has extremely high levels of mental power. From what I see, he is stronger than the galactic traveler we met. These readings show he is far more powerful than the Q entities also."
    "You're joking," Janeway said as she looked at the readings. "My god, you think he is the reason we are here? He certainly has the power to pull us here."
    "It's possible, though none of us are in our universe. Except for the three of us, they all have very different energies. It also appears that all our universal signatures are far different from each other," Picard said.
    I tried to take a deep breath, then managed to whisper, "I know you are; this is my world. The thing is, you are all from stories, my favorite stories." I gasped as a minor wave of pain passed through me. "You might be right; I believe you are all here because of me."
    Picard's eyes were wide a moment as he ...