A Captain Decision
Date: 7/5/2024,
Science-Fiction ,
Author: pars001
I stared in disbelief at the people who were looking back at me. I mean I had, had a few things happen that no one could really explain, but this took the cake.
It had started a week ago, two weeks before Christmas. As normal, I had a bout of migraines that went beyond normal. In fact, it was so bad, I actually had to go to the hospital.
There I had been met with the usual skepticism, told to take a few Tylenol, then get sleep. The whole time I told them that nothing was working, I needed tests to see why I was hurting. Basically, I was called a liar, though in no clear-cut way. No, they didn't want to get sued, in case they were wrong, which I knew they were.
So, I went home basking in the sheer wall of pain that was about to drive me crazy. I have had bad pain before, though this was far and away beyond anything I'd ever had.
Finally, the pain got so bad I just passed out. I awoke the next morning with no sign of pain, no lasting effects. I carefully got out of bed expecting it to start again. To my surprise, there was nothing. This had happened before, though not very often. When it did, I was nearly comatose for three days.
I got out of bed and headed straight to the kitchen. What I needed was coffee, which usually kicked the shit out of almost any ailment I might have.
I had just sat down when I started to hear voices. I looked around but saw no one. I looked outside but still nothing.
I shook my head as I went back to drinking my liquid heaven. I ...
... heard the voices again only clearer. OK, I thought this wasn't funny, then I started to hear them without end.
They were strangely accented but I could understand them.
"Where are we?" Came a commanding voice.
"Data indicates that we are across the galaxy, in the human Sol system," another voice said.
There was a great amount of hissing as several other voices said a few things that I couldn't understand. "We need to evacuate from here, why we still can," The commanding voice said.
There were a few sounds of agreement when the second voice spoke up. "It appears that we're not in our universe. These are not the humans we know. I am detecting no shield technology, no energy weapons, not very much psi energy. I am detecting one that is higher than I have ever seen, possibly a danger to us all."
"Break orbit, before we are detected. They may be primitive, but they may still have detection devices in orbit," the commanding voice said.
Again, I shook my head. Where in the hell was this coming from? Sounded like a really bad sci-fi movie I was hearing.
Less than a minute later, I heard another voice. "Roger base, I have the boogeys on scope, they appear to be climbing at an accelerating rate. Moving in for a closer look."
"Roger interceptor one. Can you identify them?" the radio replied.
"From what I can see, there are twenty of them. Some have elongated bodies with what appears to be arms almost like an insect's body, with several blisters of possible ...