1. Twins Times Two

    Date: 7/5/2024, Categories: Fantasy Bi-sexual Incest Lesbian Males / Females, Author: blueflytx79, Source: sexstories.com

    ... that far was expensive at the time. So the unfinished bathroom sat empty with a hole in the wall just big enough for him to see through. And hearing wouldn’t be a problem since the walls were unfinished and thin. He entered the little room through the outside door no one ever used. He heard nothing. Concerned he was too early, he peered through the hole in the wall and was surprised to see them sitting on the floor in a circle. Just sitting there. Quietly. Looking at each other.
    Katie jumped up and grabbed one of the biggest bottles of Patron he had ever seen. She uncorked it and took a long swig strait from the bottle. She passed it around to her brothers and sister and each did the same. When the bottle found its way back to Katie, she took another long swig and the bottle passed around again. His kids weren’t talking. There was no music playing. They seemed almost awkward with each other, which wasn’t like them.
    Ashley quietly said, “This isn’t working. We gotta try something else.”
    Gentry piped up, “Agreed. Maybe we play a game? Spin the bottle? Truth or dare?” Chad’s mouth dropped a little as he wondered why they would need to drink liquor and play a childhood game to feel comfortable.
    “Let’s do truth or dare!” Jeff said. “I like that idea” Katie replied.
    “I’ll start this game!” Gentry said. “Truth or dare, Ashley”
    “Truth,” Ashley stated. Chad looked around the little room and found a chair to sit in.
    “Okay Ashley. Tell me about the first time you ...
    ... and Katie did it” Gentry said. Chad was grateful he had found a chair and was sitting down. Surely, he thought, they weren’t talking about the big it.
    Ashley started telling her truth. They were 14 when they realized they could give each other more pleasure than when we touched ourselves alone. Yep, Chad thought, they were talking about the big it. He felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. As all parents would, he thought back to how he could have missed this.
    “Katie was the instigator,” Ashley continued with a smile. “She heard me rubbing myself on the bottom bunk and hung her head down and asked if she could watch. Since we had watched each other before, I didn’t think twice when I said yes. She climbed down to my bunk and sat cross legged at the end of the bed watching me rub my pussy and use two fingers to fuck myself. After a few minutes, Katie stood up and took her clothes off so we were both naked, touching ourselves. Katie had recently shaved all the hair off her pussy and watching her touch herself was really working for me. Then she asked if it was okay if she helped me. At first, I was confused. But when she reached forward, toward me, I understood. I slowly moved my hand out of the way and Katie touched me for the first time. It was the first time anyone had ever touched me other than myself. She used her fingers for a while and I felt the power, that’s what we called our orgasms, building up inside me. I knew I was going to get the rush of power ...