1. Twins Times Two

    Date: 7/5/2024, Categories: Fantasy Bi-sexual Incest Lesbian Males / Females, Author: blueflytx79, Source: sexstories.com

    ... game room off to the opposite side of the garage from the home. Chad carried in the dry cleaning and hung it up in the closet. Then went to the den to make a drink and see what his kids were up too. Two boys. Two girls. His boys were 19 and his girls were 18. Jeff was the oldest by eight minutes and named after Chad’s dad. Gentry was middle middle and named after Heather’s dad. Both boys were tall like Chad. Athletic like Heather. The boys were identical twins. Both had sandy blonde hair, Heather’s beautiful hazel eyes that often had mischevious glints in them. His middle middle daughter was older than her sister by four minutes. Ashley was blonde, tall, and sleek. She had a petite body for her 5’9” frame. Ariel was shorter at 5’4” and juicy. She wasn’t fat, but she had curves. Long chestnut hair, big boobs and muscular legs. Both of his daughters had Chad’s baby blue eyes.
    Each of his children had great personalities. Jeff was the scholar. His wit often surpassed Chad and Heather’s but they found that engaging and fun given how just kind Jeff was to everyone. Gentry was what Chad liked to call the class clown. He was always joking and pulling pranks and typically the life of the party and center of attention. Ashley was his little hippie. She was sweet, kind, and weird enough to be very interesting. Katie was his warped kid. She was wicked smart with a dark sense of humor that pleased his soul. No one was safe from her sarcasm.
    He walked through the garage toward the ...
    ... game room. He smiled when he heard their laughter. Believe it or not, his kids didn’t fight that much. Yeah, they were brothers and sisters, but they were also friends in every sense of the word.
    “Okay, so here’s the plan. When dad goes to bed we meet back in here and the fun can really start” he heard Gentry say. Intrigued, Chad stopped to listen to their conversation.
    “Alright then, I guess we have talked it to death and tonight is the night. Let’s do this!” Ashley replied. Chad decided not to make his presence known and decided then and there he was going to find out what the fantastic four were up too. The old fashioned way. He quietly made his way back to the main house and sat at the kitchen counter playing on his phone while he waited for the kids to come in and holler for dinner. He decided he would order some pizza and wings for them.
    All through dinner he watched his kids from under his eyelashes. They were staring at each other when they thought he wasn’t looking with a meaningful look that he couldn’t quite interpret. Around ten o’clock, he made the motions of going to bed. Checking the locks, putting the dog out, wishing the kids a good night. This was his normal bed time so the kids weren’t suspicious of his behavior. He waited until he heard them sneak through the garage about 30 mintues after he laid down. And did some sneaking of his own.
    When they added on the gameroom, they had initially planned to put in a bathroom but moving the plumbing out ...