1. Twins Times Two

    Date: 7/5/2024, Categories: Fantasy Bi-sexual Incest Lesbian Males / Females, Author: blueflytx79, Source: sexstories.com

    ... faster than I ever had before. Then she leaned down and licked me from my lips to my clit and the power hit me in the gut and kept going and going. I was breathing hard. I was shaking. And I knew I had to have it again. Katie leaned back to take care of her own power, and I offered to do the same to her. I used my fingers on her like she had me and when Katie told me she was close, I kissed her pussy the way she had kissed mine. She started shaking like I had and I watched her wetness leak out of her little hole. After that we cuddled naked on the bed until I started falling asleep and Katie made us get dressed and back in her bed.”
    During Ashley’s telling of her truth, he watched his other kids start to squirm a little. Katie was rubbing herself through her shorts slowly. And he could see that his boys had hard ons tenting their athletic shorts. Chad was waging war in his mind. He knew he had no business listening to these intimate details, but the dad in him wanted to know what his kids had been doing right under their parents noses. Would they need counseling? Had he and Heather been too loud? Or too open about sex? Had they, as the parents, somehow caused this?
    “Woah.” Jeff said. “That was so hot Ashley. Let’s keep this game going. It’s your turn.”
    “Alright, Jeff, truth or dare?” Ashley asked.
    “Truth” Jeff replied.
    “Tell us the first time you and Gentry did it.” Ashley said a little breathlessly. Now Chad was really worried. His boys too? He thought. Then ...
    ... he remembered his own little experiments with the boy next door when he was a kid and waited for Jeff to tell his truth.
    “We were eleven.” Jeff started. “It was a Sunday. We had stayed the night with the boys who used to live down the street the night before. At that sleepover, we somehow ended up talking about jacking off, but the kid kept calling it wanking. Anyway, he offered to show us what happened when he wanked and dropped his shorts and underwear and started touching his penis until it was hard. He pulled on it over and over until a stream of white shot out of his penis. I thought pulling on it had somehow turned his pee white until his older brother told us it was called cum. He was 13 and knew way more than we did. So Sunday night when we went to bed, Gentry said he wanted to see what would happen if he did it to himself. Gentry stood in front of me and dropped his pants and underwear and did the same things that the boy had done. It didn’t take long for the white to shoot right out of him onto my face and shirt. I was not expecting it and I don’t think Gentry was either. Gentry told me to try it because it was the best thing he had ever felt. I wiped my face and took off my clothes and touched myself until I shot the white stuff too. Gentry got lucky and it went to the floor. Every night for a few weeks we did that with each other until Gentry got the idea to put my cock in his mouth. Our lives changed that night. I came in Gentry’s mouth, and he came in mine. We ...