1. Jodie's Slaves Part Two

    Date: 7/4/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Rape Written by women Young Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the hole punch and punch more holes in every strap. I want this harness to fit someone smaller too” I started to say something but a stern look from Jodi shut that down fast. As I silently did as told and tried to not think why she was making the harness adjustable, Jodi was on her laptop downloading the last set of pictures and bringing up the next project for the day. We were going to make a set of punishment horses from an old set of sawhorses from the storage room. One would have a sharp wedge added to the top and the other would be modified to accept dildos and plugs and both would have eyebolts in several places.
    Modifying the saw horses turned out to be a pretty simple matter and within the hour we were done. However after checking the time Jodi said, “ I would love to test these out today but I have other things in mind for now. You put them away in the storage area and gather your clothes and meet me in the house when you are done.” With that Jodi took the harness to lock in her trunk of goodies and left her slave to do as told.
    Barb was moving slowly, poor thing. I had to try and curb my enthusiasm once in a while. I suppose even the healthiest body would have to take time to heal once in a while. But this next task would be easier...physically.
    I led her right to Julie's room. Opening the door I was surrounded by Julie's presence. The colors, the decor, even the smell was reminiscent of her. Laundry detergent, body soap, fabric softener and shampoo ...
    ... melded with the distinctive scent of Julie's perfume...Love's Baby Soft...figures.
    Barb paused at the doorway, just a single misstep that she overcame immediately, so I pretended not to notice. I sauntered over to the corkboard on the wall covered with snapshots of Julie and her school friends, at the beach, on campus, at the local hangout. Way down in the bottom corner was one photograph I never expected her to keep. It was her and I at the mall. She had pulled me into one of those photo booth things. The first three shots were really terrible as I had tried to escape the booth, but Julie would not let me and I did not want to hurt her. Finally, I had given in and sat next to her for the last picture. I did not smile, but it wasn't a bad picture, I thought.
    “Forgive me, Mistress, but why are we in Julie’s room?” Barb found the courage to ask. I smirked at her and leaned in close to tweak her abraded nipples.
    “You said it was easier for you if you had an orgasm, right? Well, never let it be said that I am an unreasonable mistress. We are going to take care of you right here.” Enjoying her look of horror, though she did not try to leave or otherwise protest, I turned and set up my phone on the dresser. It was close enough to the bed that I thought I could get a decent video out of it.
    “Okay, slut, this is your reward for such good service in the barn today,” I announced, “You are going to go to the hamper and get a pair of Julie’s panties out. Then lay down on her ...