1. Jodie's Slaves Part Two

    Date: 7/4/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Rape Written by women Young Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... you can lick me. I need to hear you begging and crying so for now, my beautiful, slut this will have to do.” I got the double headed dildo out of the nearby bag and put it inside myself, moistening the other end with spit and my own juice. Leaning over that quivering, abused flesh, I spread her ass wide and thrust the other end of the dildo into her ass. Now she really screamed and it fueled me like nothing before. I pumped into her ass again and again. My own pussy pulling and pushing my end of the V shaped dildo had my pussy spasming with each stroke as I drove into her tight hole. Soon she was crying and panting. I was in dominant ecstasy. I bedded the dildo deep in her ass and changed my motion to where I was riding in and out of my heated pussy and tugging at her ass with each hunch. I raked my fingernails down her back leaving dozens of deep red scratches but not breaking the skin before cumming loudly and collapsing over her. I had never had such an enveloping orgasm. I felt so good at this very moment, calm, content...it was heavenly.
    I untied my pet and gathered her into my arms, sitting on the floor and leaning against the hay. I stroked her hair and held her close.
    “That was wonderful, Barb,” I murmured, “You took it all and so beautifully. And the ass fucking… I know the dildo is quite a bit bigger than the butt plug yesterday, but you turned me on so much, you temptress! I just had to cum as you whimpered and strained and I am so glad I did. You did well ...
    ... little pet. I forgive you for this morning, Barb. We can start with a clean slate now. Don’t you feel better?” I asked.
    “ umm … I don't know what to say to Mistress Jodi. It really hurts to be anally sodomized like that. The ropes hurt too and so did the pricking of the straw with you on top of me like that. My ass was on fire from the whipping. The bites and hurting of my nipples yesterday were as bad but I think being so aroused from the dildo and the orgasm seemed to mask the pain in a strange way that time but this was more like the ride home and just all pain. I do thank you for the clean slate and I do feel better about that.”
    Jodi laughed and said “ Silly stupid pet Barbara. You don't think I am going to let you orgasm all the time so it will mask the pain do you? In fact, now that you say it I may not let you cum during punishments anymore at all.”
    With that the cuddling was over. Jodi wanted to get to work on making some things she had seen online and get started on some simple woodworking projects and work some with the leather again.
    We spent the next two hours at the leathercraft bench after taking many measurements of my body. Looking at Jodi’s laptop we had managed to make a pretty nice version of a body harness that fit me perfectly with many rings and buckles and rivets. I had been nude the whole time. After taking pictures from many angles, Jodi said “ okay slut now take it off.”
    With the harness back on the bench Jodi told me. “ Now take ...