1. Jodie's Slaves Part Two

    Date: 7/4/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Rape Written by women Young Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... and under the edge of my lovely new panties. Her eyes widened when she realized I was just going to stand here and masturbate to her pain, then closed as another scream was drawn from her.
    “Open your eyes, you fucking cunt! Look right at me!” I yelled and watched her struggle. Her eyes fluttered open and closed again as the waves of pain hit.
    “Open them or I will move you to the rough side of the wedge!” I warned. That did it. Her eyes flew open and I had access to her pain again. I savored the desperation and pain reflected from the depths of her soul. I watched her, tears streaming down her face, begging silently for release as I fingered myself to orgasm when she started really screaming. I only made her scream for a handful of seconds...it was all I needed, really to have a magnificent orgasm while she watched me enjoy her agony. Then I tugged on the rope, lifting her off the wedge and easing the pain in her crushed clit. I tied it off again and went over to her, taking her face in my hands and licking the tears from her face.
    “You are so fucking hot, Barb! That was the best yet! I couldn’t see your face on the horse the other day. I bet it looked just like you look now.” She moaned a time or two, trying to communicate something, but I was not quite done with her yet.
    I lifted her high enough to clear the horse and went over to the bag, pulling out two dildos and fastening them to the fuck pony.
    Lowering her onto those was tricky, getting them both lined up ...
    ... properly a task all by itself. I soon had everything in place, though and lowered her much more quickly than I had onto the other horse. One dildo slammed into her ass as the other wedged itself into her pussy. I left her high enough to be able to move some.
    “I am going to hang another set of weights to your nipples, Toy, and then I am going to whip your tits with the crop until you cum, so you are going to want to be very diligent with those luscious hips of yours if you don’t want to end up bleeding,” I warned, adding the weights to the clamps and enjoying her moans of pain. In fact…
    I removed the gag.
    “Also, you are going to tell me, “I am Mistress Jodi’s toy and I cum only at her pleasure.” over and over until you cum, do you understand, slut?” She nodded as I picked up the crop.
    “Say it, Bitch!” I brought the crop down, catching the top of both tits at once. The weights bounced and she cried out, but recovered quickly.
    “I am Mistress Jodi’s toy and I cum only at her pleasure,” she recited. I used one hand to swat her again and again, varying the placement of the crop. Her breasts turned red, then almost purple. With my other hand I began pulling down on the pulley rope raising her up to near the top of the dildos and back down on them impaling both her holes at once again and again with each pull. Her hips thrashed violently reaching for the orgasm that would end the torment as she repeated the manta over and over.
    “I am Mistress Jodi’s toy and ...