1. Jodie's Slaves Part Two

    Date: 7/4/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Rape Written by women Young Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... suspended and leaning slightly forward. She was in the perfect position to implement the ideas that had been stewing in my head for days.
    The last thing needed was to get her wrists cuffed together behind her and adding a strap above her elbows. This strap I pulled until her elbows nearly touched each other. Toy let out a grunt of pain that I savored and then ignored. I picked up a piece of rope because we had exhausted the supply of leather straps, I hung it over the hook and pulled her wrists up behind her back to put her arms in a fairly painful bind. More of those sweet grunts only spurred me on. I unwrapped the rope in a marine style tie off and she began to spin slowly as she rose into the air well over my head. It was so exciting how easily I could get her suspended so very high. What a power trip this pulley was!
    I felt a pull to one side as she must have been pulling one of the taglines. Going to the left I knew it was the wedge and my heart pounded in my chest as I was filled with dread. Then her voice ...Julie’s voice.
    “Mom, This is probably going to hurt, like really bad! You deserve it, though, don’t you? I can’t believe I have such a pervert for a mother! The least you can do is suffer for it, right?” Her imitation was so perfect, I shuddered in my bonds, my pussy getting wetter and wetter with every word, but for the first time I was more afraid than turned on and even if it made things worse I had to try to stop this insanity! I shook my head ...
    ... “no” vigorously and pathetically mewed out, “ oh oh oh!” through my gag in an effort to voice, NO NO NO ! I was in a panic!
    I stepped onto the stool and placed my hands on Barb’s waist, circling them as far as I could between the straps so she could feel my skin. It stopped her slight spinning and gave her a ground to focus on. I wanted her to hurt, but I did not want her hurt and she was going to be hurt if she kept thrashing like that.
    “Barb, calm down, I am right here and I have you supported, okay? Stop thrashing and I will remove your gag,” I said calmly but loudly enough to be heard through her moanings. Realizing I was offering a respite, she calmed down and waited, motionless for me to remove the ball gag.
    “Tell me the problem,” I ordered, but not angrily. I wanted her reassured so she would tell me the truth.
    “Jodie, I’m scared. I know I do deserve this in some ways but I’m ..I’m really scared.”
    Then I slapped her saying angrily. “That's it? You are scared. How dare you defy me over your lame ass fears this is going to hurt!”
    Then she slapped me again and laughed. “Of course it’s going to hurt” She put the gag back in my mouth and stepped off the stool, giving my breasts a slap or two for good measure before returning to the ropes.
    I felt myself being lowered and the angle at which my body was tipped put the wedge firmly in my vision. Jodi kept one hand on my knee to keep me aligned until I was low enough for my knees to bracket ...