1. Jodie's Slaves Part Two

    Date: 7/4/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Rape Written by women Young Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... get me off already!” I pushed her head down to let her know rest time was over.
    Chapter 4
    You can't run. Accepting fate
    Julie and Jodi had gone to hang out with some friends leaving me, or toy as Mistress Jodi had started calling me in private and sometimes whispers in my ears when others were around, leaving me to do as she was told and ready the barn as directed. We would have only Three hours or so alone and she wanted her toy ready to be played with. Soon after they left I went into the barn, fed the horses, changed the water in the trough then went into the tack room to find the harness we had made and some other items Jodi had slipped out there before they left. Jodi had been getting packages in the mail and by delivery and not always sharing what they were. Some of the boxes had not yet been opened. I looked at the packages and reflected how It feels almost surreal to know that soon I would be suffering or cumming at the hands of my young Mistress and in those boxes could be things she could make me suffer with. Maybe some of them were to make me cum, I hoped. It felt bizarre to be sexually aroused by Jodie's sadistic streak but there was no denying it now does.
    Jodi had instructed me to bring everything into the hall and set it up under the pulley. An old table she moved in from the storage area was perfect for all the cuffs and straps and sex toys along with crops and whatever else Jodi may want to bring. There were plenty of hooks for hanging ...
    ... halters and lead ropes she set aside to hang the harness and some Mistress Jodi’s straps and several cords and ropes on them instead.
    Jodie had been fascinated by the pulley system. The block and tackle hangs from a trolly that crosses the hall and extends over the loft to one side. Tag lines on the trolly move it side to side by pulling down on one the other. It has a weight that hangs from the hook to pull it back down empty so it could be pulled up out of the way when not in use. The rope has worn smooth from many years of use. I had cleaned it and oiled the rollers in both block and tackle and trolly. It was a 4 to 1 single rope set up that made it not only easy to lift heavy loads pretty quickly and easily, it also offered a very good feel for fractions of an inch.
    It made me shiver to think of how helpless I would be with such ease when Mistress had me harnessed and tied and dangling over the punishment horses as I placed them a few feet apart on either side of the place where I would be kneeling under the pulley she came in.
    The training horses as Jodi called them rightfully scared the hell out of me. I had tested the wedge horse in jeans when alone once. At first it didnt seems so bad as I could hold myself up with thigh pressure for a pretty long time but knew if an ankle was pulled out or tied up and all my weight put on the edge would would hurt like fuck. I let myself rest on it for just a few seconds and even in the jeans it was hellish. It all depended on ...