1. Jodie's Slaves Part Two

    Date: 7/4/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Rape Written by women Young Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... said yes. I know it's sick and wrong to be feeling this way but you brought this out in me and i can no longer pretend i don't want more. I beg you to not show her that and i don't think you will because you like her and you do need a place to live and i am in love with you too and what you do to me makes me feel more alive than i have ever felt in my life. I even like the humiliation and struggle to endure the insane things you have done to me. You do not need to blackmail me with Julie or anyone. If you want to you have more than enough already. If humiliating me and hurting me is what you love then I won't fight you unless you want to see me struggle. “
    I let go of her hair and stroked it gently, reassuringly.
    “Of course I like to see you struggle,” I confirmed, “But do not worry. I was only playing. I am not going to tell Julie. I am not even going to leave the video on my phone. I will transfer it to my computer and delete it. Wasn’t it fun though? Did you feel the rush of fear and anxiety? It really got me worked up just watching you!”
    She looked up at me with relief on her face.
    “So now I am going to need you to lick me again, Barb. I won’t tie you this time. I want to see your devotion to me. Show me just how alive I make you feel.
    Barb, I saw the fear cross your face. My words and the casual way I tossed them out made you think I might actually be crazy. I am pretty sure you would never feel safe again, not now.” I laughed then I laid back and ...
    ... spread my legs on Julie’s bed, enjoying this further proof of my domination.
    As I crawled up the bed keeping eye contact with my Mistress and kept pouring out the honesty. “ Oh fuck me! I was sooo taken in by it. I was totally there until you asked if i felt better. The panic was in my throat! What I realized was it would be the truth you revealed by making me do what you knew I wanted to do before I did.
    I paused a few inches short of her pussy and kept on. “ I have not felt safe with you since the first few minutes you arrived. I honestly don't know where you will take this and i don't think you do either. What I do know is I am your totally devoted sex slave and you have serious issues with power and domination and cruelty. We both know those are very dangerous in combination with you having real power over me. All I can ask and only hope you will grant me is keep this all a secret and I will be able to be your slave for as long as you want me. I think fate brought us together and please don't do anything that could tear us apart.”
    I drew her up and laid her full length next to me, kissing her and pressing myself against her.
    “That is the one thing you can absolutely count on. I will not promise not to hurt you, I will not promise not to humiliate you, but I will promise to do nothing that will mean I have to stop doing those things. I like having a sex slave and you are a good one and I plan on keeping you a very long time. So stop worrying and ...