1. Whispers of the Past Ch. 02

    Date: 7/3/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRobeth123, Source: Literotica

    ... is easy. I can't wait to have you play my mommy.
    I won't be your mommy, I will be your mother. There's a difference and you will understand at the time.
    You got it Aunt Beth, or should I say, Mother?
    Good girl. I will send you the details by Friday ;-)
    I booked a room for Friday at a nice hotel in Milly's college town that had a large restaurant bar area with a glass atrium seating area. This was an important part of my plan and I scheduled a table for 3:00 on Friday in the atrium under Milly's last name.
    Then I connected with my hairdresser and scheduled a spray tan, an eye appointment, and a time to meet Alli at her place when her husband John would be out of the house.
    I arrived at Allis's on Wednesday afternoon to surprise her with my idea and to get some help. When I rang the bell I knew she would be shocked to see me even though I was on time.
    "What have you done?" she said a little louder than I expected.
    "It's called a makeover silly," I responded but there was a lot more to it.
    The hairdresser was able to get a dark-haired wig to closely match the style and length of Alli's hair. The spray tan was to darken my complexion to match Alli's. I bought some 4" heeled boots to get close to Alli's height and for the rest needed her help. When we were in the house I asked for a glass of wine while I explained the details of my plan. After it was over Alli understood but also thought it could go bad. But if it went well, it could be life-changing ...
    ... for her.
    "I need an outfit that Milly will know for sure is yours but will fit me."
    "I have a nice Business Suit Set that Milly made me buy on Michigan Avenue that is a little tight on me now. With that heel, it should fit you quite nicely."
    "Perfect! I will need that and some of your jewelry she will know and your favorite sunglasses you wear most of the time."
    "Wow, you're going all out!"
    "And your perfume. I forgot since I rarely wear it but since you do I will need some of that."
    We packed a garment bag with everything in it when I noticed something different about Alli's nails. She always prided herself on the best manicures and keeping them in tip-top shape.
    "Why are the nails on your right index finger and middle finger so short? Did you break them?"
    She smiled and said, "No, I got them done Monday like that. After our weekend, I had them shortened so I could finger fuck you the next time we had a chance."
    Something about her sacrifice of something she loved for something to please me had an instant arousing effect.
    I asked if there was enough time to try them before John got back and she effectively tackled me on the bed. We had to hurry but we got each other off at least once. We had to put ourselves back together and I needed to leave before we were found out. We made out at her front door before and I left less than satisfied. I also had to make a nail appointment to add something I hadn't thought of.
    When Friday arrived I was so ...