1. A Cock in the Hand Ch. 07

    Date: 7/2/2024, Categories: Diary , Blackmail, Blowjob Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Gay Humiliation Non-consensual sex Reluctance Author: rimaday, Source: sexstories.com

    ... sounded a bit out of sorts, so I tried to sympathize with her.
    "I hope things get better with him. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that."
    "It'll be okay, I'm getting used to it. By the way, your lawn guy came by today. A little heads up would have been nice."
    "What?" I replied, confused.
    "Your lawn guy, you met at the park? What's his name... Mark?" she asked innocently.
    My heart raced and I felt almost as if I might pass out. In a panic, I quickly tried to pull myself together and learn more. Her tone did not indicate a problem.
    "Oh Mark. He showed up, today?" I asked, as calmly as I could, feigning indifference.
    "Yes, he did. Did he have the wrong day? He seemed a little confused that I wasn't expecting him."
    "Yeah, it was supposed to be next Monday when I'm home. So is he coming back next week?" I asked, trying to play it cool. I wanted to scream, hyper-ventilate and kill him all at once.
    "No, he'll be done tomorrow..."
    "So he did work today?" I asked, panicking inside, but trying not to show it.
    "Yeah, he worked like a dog, and got more than half the bushes out. I paid him the four hundred you promised, but we need to pay him another four hundred tomorrow. That is hard work, and it is hot as hell this week. Are you okay with that?"
    "Sure, if you think so. How was he? I asked, starting to think he was just showing me how easily he could blow up my life. Message received.
    "He was fine, I think Mom's living some kind of fantasy, ...
    ... flirting with him. But he gives as good as he gets."
    "Do you want me to call him and ask him to come back on Monday, when I'm home?" I wanted to insist but did not want to arouse her suspicions.
    "No, no, it's fine. Just give me a heads-up next time. It was a little awkward at first, but he showed me the receipt from the ATM from when you gave him the money to help pay his rent. That was nice of you, by the way," she said, sincerely.
    He was fucking with me for disobeying and the feeling of nausea intensified, knowing she thought I was a caring neighbor trying to help him out, when in reality I was being blackmailed in an effort to save my marriage.
    "Just be careful around him. I felt bad for him and gave him some money, but we really don't know him. Make sure you or your mom are not alone with him, just to be safe. I really wanted to be there if he was going to work at the house. He didn't do anything inappropriate did he?"
    There was a brief pause that made me uneasy, but she responded calmly. "No, no he was a gentleman." She stated matter of factly.
    I paused, trying to think what to say next but decided not to risk alarming her. "Good to hear. I miss you and love you."
    "Ditto," she replied succinctly.
    "Are they still in the pool?"
    "It's okay, I'll get them out. They will want to talk. Hold on."
    I spoke to them both and in their haste to get back in the pool they hung up, rather than hand the phone back to Amy. I was relieved. My mind raced as I ...