1. A Cock in the Hand Ch. 07

    Date: 7/2/2024, Categories: Diary , Blackmail, Blowjob Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Gay Humiliation Non-consensual sex Reluctance Author: rimaday, Source: sexstories.com

    ... you did both times last night. Then in the morning you will set up the camera so I can see that tight little ass clench when you fuck your own bed for me and replay your third violation.'
    "Then you will be done for the week. You will save up for poker night next weekend. You may not, under any circumstances masturbate again after you put your show on for me." In fact you may only come with your wife or when I tell you from now on. You must keep your sweet Amy satisfied as much as possible. If you ever come without Amy or I present, you will be punished. Do you understand CC?"
    "Yes sir, thank you sir." I said with a slight military cadence.
    "Good night then Captain. Please show some self-control this evening and let that little cock soften on its own. Don't think too much about tomorrow night or you'll fall right back into bad habits that will get that tight little ass lit up."
    "Good night, sir." I said obediently.
    I was good and spent, so there was no difficulty maintaining control that evening. But as the next day progressed, the closer I came to our call time, I found my mind wondering and cock stiffening. It was unbelievable that the thought of humiliating myself on camera sent such an intense rush through my body. I was almost oblivious to the reality of my situation. I was married with children. A professional pilot, an excellent provider for my family and a caring husband and father. Yet with each passing moment the tickling tingle in my cock grew ...
    ... stronger overshadowing everything. I wanted him to watch as I showed him how much I wanted his cock. In my more lucid moments, I would see how pathetic and unsustainable this situation was, but soon that growing throbbing, tingle would take control of my will.
    Between flights in Chicago, I needed to touch base with Amy and clear the evening for Mark after I arrived in Minneapolis. Part of me hoped maybe she wouldn't answer as the lies were almost too much to live with.
    "Hi honey, how are you? she answered, cheerily.
    "I'm great. I miss you. How are Caleb and Ashley?" I replied, trying not to show my guilt.
    "They're swimming and about ready to get dressed and go to CiCi's. Do you want me to get them?" She asked.
    "I hate to interrupt them if they're swimming--with your mom, I assume?" I hoped she would not put them on as that would only add to my guilt.
    "Yes, she's been great. Thanks for making the suggestion to bring her out."
    "Did you get some down time today?" I asked, trying not to show my anxiety.
    "Some, but I did a lot of interviewing babysitters and think Betsy Ramirez may work out. She really sounds like she's got it together, and her references all loved her. Do you want me to set up some time for you to interview her?"
    "I trust you, Amy. If she passes your scrutiny, I'm sure she's good. That will be a relief. Everything going okay at work?"
    "Yeah, Tony's still an ass, but that's not gonna change. I have tomorrow off again, so I'm good." She ...