1. A Cock in the Hand Ch. 07

    Date: 7/2/2024, Categories: Diary , Blackmail, Blowjob Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Gay Humiliation Non-consensual sex Reluctance Author: rimaday, Source: sexstories.com

    ... out.
    Officer Reeves was all too eager to assist him in painting a picture of me as an obsessed cock sucker harassing poor unemployed Mark Thomas with offers of cash for cock. In return for his assistance, Mark makes sure that I service Officer Reeves as needed.
    His latest plan was to arrange for a 'poker night' to develop an excuse for me to go to his house every week to service him and provide a cover story for my wife Amy so she would not suspect anything. I'm sure the bastard intended the pun of 'poker' night, with me as the poke-ee.
    With the night off, I decided to have dinner with the rest of the flight crew and turn in early. I had not slept particularly well of late, contemplating the fall out if my secret were ever revealed.
    The crew consisted of a new copilot I had not flown with before. Her name was Mabel, of all names. I hadn't come across anyone with that name since childhood. She didn't look like Mabel. She was twenty-eight, had served in the Air Force for 10 years and made her way through flight school and earned a degree while serving.
    She was attractive with short dark hair and brown eyes. She married a fellow service member who still served. They had no children but planned to have three children in their thirties. I was envious of their structured, planned life and thought if I'd had that level of discipline, I probably would not be in the position I find myself.
    The flight attendants, Juan, and Carla were familiar to me from before the ...
    ... move and so it was good to catch up. I was grateful for the distraction and the dinner seemed to fly by. When I returned to the room, I could feel fatigue catching up to me.
    So I called Amy briefly and talked to the kids before turning in. With her mom there, Amy sounded much better despite having a rough day with the new boss. She vented a bit but was overall in good spirits.
    "It's just so frustrating." she lamented. "When we interviewed, he seemed so appreciative of my experience. But in reality, he only sees one way to do any job. His way. I am every bit as effective as he is, I just take a different approach. Somehow, I need to read his mind and handle every situation exactly the way he would do it."
    "I'm so sorry," I said cutting myself short. I've found it best to listen and not try to fix it for her.
    "It is getting a little better as I learn his way of doing it. I at least make it look like I'm doing it his way and he eases up. Hopefully, he'll back off once he feels comfortable with me. I just hate being micromanaged."
    "I'm glad to hear it's a little better. Hang in there. I miss you and love you. I think I'm gonna turn in. It's been a long day. Kiss em' for me."
    "Sleep well, miss you too. Hurry home to me! Night, night. Love ya!"
    "Love ya." I replied as she hung up.
    As I tried to sleep, I replayed the events of the previous day and how pathetic it was to be humiliated for his amusement. But even as I pictured it, my cock stirred at the memory of ...