1. Reunion: 1

    Date: 7/1/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Coercion Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Incest Non-consensual sex Reluctance Romance Spanking, Teen Virginity Author: sandstorm3636, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the threshold into the house. Although Dave had agreed to let his relatives stay with them, he did not appear pleased with how easily Margaret invited herself in.
    “Lacey is playing in her room,” Dave explained while trying not to show his displeasure on his face. “Mary got her onne of those video game consoles and she has been attached to it ever since.”
    Margaret wrinkled her nose disapprovingly. “Don’t you know that video games cause violent behavior in children?”
    “Well we aren’t letting her play GTA or anything geared toward violence. There are family oriented games like monopoly and her favorite Mario Kart.”
    “It’s not the type of game, it’s the chemicals in the brain,” Margaret argued. “Just staring at the screen causes a reaction that just turns kids into psychopaths.”
    Dave looked at his brother finally, asking for him to dispute his wife’s outrageous claim. He waved his hands and walked toward the stairs, carrying two suitcases. Dave noted that Nathan had a simple drawstring bag, probably with only a few changes of clothes. It would have been more appreciated if his parents had done the same. They were only staying two nights after all.
    “Children in general are all psychopaths,” Nathan muttered to himself. “It is the parents’ and teachers’ job to make sure they learn not to be. Video games are also a source of knowledge but unless the child is stupid they can separate reality from fiction.”
    “Bravo,” Dave cheered his nephew’s input. “That’s exactly ...
    ... what Mary said when she convinced me to let Lacey have the thing.”
    “Oh, bullshit, Mary is just too lazy to raise Lacey herself so she’ll say anything to let the TV do it for her,” Margaret scoffed.
    Dave’s veins visibly popped on his neck for a moment as he refrained from spitting back at Margaret. She had not been here for an hour yet and he already wished she would leave.
    “Nathan dear, why don’t you go play with Lacey and show her how to have fun without destroying her brain.”
    “But we’re not even the same age. Can’t she play with the other kids when they get here?”
    “Yes, when they get here,” Margaret repeated. “Until then, you’ll both be sleeping in the same room anyway so get a move on it.”
    Nathan rolled his eyes before marching up the stairs. He did not even knock before opening the door to Lacey’s room. She was on her stomach on the floor in front of her TV holding a controller. She did not even react.
    Nathan sat down next to her and put his hand on her head. Again she did not react. He then pushed her bangs down over her eyes. Finally she used a hand to push his hand off of her head. He returned it immediately but again she did not react.
    It was not until she reached the end of her Mario Kart race that she paused the game and turned to look at who was disturbing her. “Uncle Nathan,” she beamed at him.
    “I'm not your uncle, I'm your cousin,” he corrected her.
    “Really?” she eyed him up and down. “You’re so much bigger than me.”
    “You’ve gotten ...