1. Reunion: 1

    Date: 7/1/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Coercion Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Incest Non-consensual sex Reluctance Romance Spanking, Teen Virginity Author: sandstorm3636

    Nathan was at the kitchen table eating breakfast when his mother startled him by jumping right into an accusing tirade. “Why haven’t you packed yet?” she demanded.
    “Excuse me?” Nathan was caught off guard.
    “The family reunion; why haven’t you packed your suitcase? We’re gonna be staying at your uncle’s house for three days straight. I don’t expect you to wear the same clothes the whole time.”
    “I didn’t realize I was going?” Nathan admitted.
    “Why not? Are you trying to make me look bad in front of your father’s family?” she accused him.
    “What? No, I just didn’t realize a teenager would still go to reunions. I thought I could stay home and house sit or something.”
    “And throw a party while we’re out of town, not gonna happen smart Alec.”
    “Mom, when have I ever acted out like that?”
    “Just because I’ve never given you the chance, doesn’t mean you’re well behaved,” she assured him.
    “Well, I guess I’ve been a brat all this time and just didn’t know,” he sighed.
    “Don’t get smart with me.” She slapped him on the back of the head. It was not enough to hurt him, just to remind him who was in charge. His mother was not a tyrant but she certainly wasn’t a pushover either.
    No conversation between the parent child pair had ever been pleasant. Rather than ever asking him to do something for her she would just start shouting as if he’d made a mistake by not having read her mind and already accomplished it. Of course, even if he had read her mind she would’ve ...
    ... just come up with something else to shout about. Nathan just assumed she liked being the boss of him more than the idea of him being happy to see her ever.
    “Everyone on your father’s side of the family looks down on us. I will not have you embarrassing me. You will show up and play with your cousins and just look pretty for everyone while staying completely silent, is that understood?”
    Nathan did not respond but the conversation was over. He had no choice. He could argue with her forever but she would not change her mind no matter what he or even his dad said.
    Nathan and his parents arrived at his uncle’s house on Friday afternoon, long before anyone else would be there. It was his mother’s pension to be early in order to appear eager. Appearances were everything for her. Her family was not well connected at all. Reunions were unheard of for them. As such, her only chance to show off was to her husband’s family.
    “Hello Margaret,” Nathan’s uncle Dave greeted his mother particularly. He almost refused to look at his older brother Stan. Dave and Stan were born almost t*n years apart. Stan had moved out and started a family before Dave had even met his wife.
    “Where is Lacey?” Margaret asked while stepping over ...