1. Reunion: 1

    Date: 7/1/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Coercion Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Incest Non-consensual sex Reluctance Romance Spanking, Teen Virginity Author: sandstorm3636, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the back of it.
    Lacey screamed and then started to giggle uncontrollably as he hoisted her over the back of the chair. She struggled until he had to drop her right onto his lap. She laughed at the face he made as the air was forced out of him. “Don’t scare me,” she warned him. “I almost peed myself.”
    “Aren't you too old for that?” he scolded her.
    “If I have to pee then I have to pee. I forgot to go before I hid.”
    “And you still have to go now?” Nathan confirmed. She nodded almost proudly. Rolling his eyes, Nathan lifted her up and slung her over his shoulder in order to carry her. He marched right to the downstairs bathroom and set her in front of the door. She stood perfectly still rather than entering. “What now?” he asked.
    “Can you help me get my overalls off?” she asked.
    “You’re definitely too old for this,” he groaned.
    “If I move too much, it’ll leak,” she explained.
    Sighing, Nathan pulled the straps of her overalls off her shoulders and then dragged the whole garment to the ground. Lacey kissed him on the cheek while he was crouched down before rushing into the bathroom.
    He was left holding her overalls and looking confused. When Mary left the kitchen and saw him she walked over. “Did you find her?” she asked.
    “Um…” Nathan just held up the overalls.
    “She’s such a b*by,” Mary sighed. “You don’t mind, do you? Looking after her I mean. She’s not hopeless but she likes monopolizing you when you’re here. Just pretend she’s still a k*d and ...
    ... can’t do anything for herself.
    “Do you have another twenty dollars?” Nathan tried to bargain.
    Mary smirked as she walked off. “I’ll get Dave to give you something as well. If he doesn’t know I already paid you he’ll give you a lot so don’t say anything. He’s a sucker for his daughter.”
    “He’s not the only one,” Nathan grumbled.
    A moment later, Lacey reemerged from the bathroom, smelling of soap and wearing just a pair of pink polka dot panties and a camisole. She had evidently discarded her sweater. Nathan offered her overalls back to her but she ignored him and ran off. “Wait,” he shouted after her.
    “I have to hide again,” she explained.
    “Can’t we be done with hiding,” he pleaded. “I’ve had a long day and I'm really tired.”
    “Can we play Mario Kart then?” she asked.
    “Fine, we can play video games,” he reluctantly agreed. It was better than having to chase his half naked cousin all over the house. Having known her since she was a b*by, Nathan did not think much of seeing his cousin in her underwear and neither did her parents. Nathan was family as far as they were concerned. Of course, he would be lying if he said he did not enjoy the benefits being close with Lacey provided. The entire time they were ascending the stairs he kept his eyes fixated on her butt as it jiggled with each step.
    When they entered her room again, he contemplated offering her overalls back to her again but decided against it. Instead he tossed them onto a chair and sat down on the ...