1. Reunion: 1

    Date: 7/1/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Coercion Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Incest Non-consensual sex Reluctance Romance Spanking, Teen Virginity Author: sandstorm3636, Source: sexstories.com

    ... spoiled.”
    “They are ch*ldren. They would be bored playing with the adults,” Mary interjected.
    Nathan felt uncomfortable being talked about but Lacey was too busy trying to keep her eyes open and her mouth closed. She could tell she was being insulted but she could not disagree. Since he arrived, Nathan had stuck to her like glue, closer even.
    “While I sometimes forget that ch*ldren age, my son is almost an adult,” Stan reminded Mary. “Perhaps letting them play together isn’t such a good idea.”
    “I wouldn’t want to deprive your son of the chance to educate our daughter, as Margaret so kindly puts it,” Mary argued. She was trying to make a dig at Margaret while also vying for the ch*ldren to continue hanging out together and leaving the adults alone.
    Margaret could not tell and instead adopted a smug expression. “Nathan has never had any siblings to look after. He’s still the b*by in our family, no matter how old he gets. I'm sure he enjoys having the chance to act like an older brother. It’s only for a few days after all. Leave them alone, Stan, Dave,” she spoke to both the brothers.
    Nathan tried not to look too guilty. Since arriving, his opinion and intentions toward Lacey had completely changed. Somehow both adult men knew it already. Maybe just the way he spoke to or looked at her was enough to give it away. He didn’t want to act like a brother to her, he wanted to bend her over and impale her on his cock.
    Despite both suspecting him, neither seemed ...
    ... to think he was actually insane enough to do anything. Their joint bath had definitely raised some suspicions though. He felt upset that his own father did not trust him, but to be fair Nathan had already betrayed that trust.
    After the meal was over, Mary began to clear the plates from the table and requested Lacey’s help. She stood up very slowly and maintained a stoic face while moving methodically as she carried things from the table to the kitchen. Stan and Dave began to discuss the order in which the other relatives would arrive the following day.
    Nathan did not know what he was supposed to do. He was not an adult that had any input on the events of the reunion. After watching Lacey teeter a few times while trying to carry things to the kitchen, he decided to help her. He took a stack of plates from her by reaching around her from behind. She watched his hands move with a dizzy expression and giggled while blushing as he walked back to the kitchen.
    “I wonder if Lacey has a crush on Nathan,” Margaret suggested.
    “Wouldn’t that be sweet,” Mary cooed.
    Dave glared at Nathan, silently warning him not to take his wife’s chatter as consent in any form. Again Nathan felt incredibly guilty. “Will all the ch*ldren be staying in Lacey’s room,” Stan asked a question with the intention of distracting his brother.
    “We only have the one guest bedroom that you are using. Mom and Dad will be staying in Lacey’s room. She and Nathan will go up to the attic tomorrow night. ...