1. Reunion: 1

    Date: 7/1/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Coercion Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Incest Non-consensual sex Reluctance Romance Spanking, Teen Virginity Author: sandstorm3636, Source: sexstories.com

    ... hard. How little his cousin seemed to mind touching him was both concerning and exhilarating. If it weren’t for him having just taken her virginity, he might have suspected her of being experienced.
    When he became too sensitive to her hands, he grabbed her under the arms and lifted her out of the tub. She frowned as she felt like he was trying to possess her again. He hugged her close to his chest, making her nipples touch him. They were already cold and therefore a little hard as well as being sensitive from the pinching done to them earlier. She moaned as he lifted her up and down enough to rub them against his shirt.
    She bit into the shirt to keep from squealing in response. He looked down at her red face and her teeth digging into the cloth. She looked like a seductress to him. He lowered her until his cock was between her legs. She squealed into his shirt while grabbing his neck and trying to climb up. Her arms were wet though, making it difficult. His shirt was practically soaked. He eventually set her down on the edge of the tub and removed it entirely.
    “I suppose asking you not to put that inside me is pointless?” she asked shyly.
    He slid his hands up her wet thighs and pulled them apart so he could poke her cunt. She groaned while rolling her eyes back slightly. She was starting to wonder why girls had a hole that boys just wanted to poke all the time. Then again, he like touching her mouth too. Suddenly it donned on her that maybe couples did more ...
    ... than just kiss. Maybe poking her cunt was another thing that meant Nathan wanted to be a couple with her. Her face turned bright red as she tried to move away from her, stepping back off the edge of the tub.
    Nathan had been paying close attention to make sure she did not fall. He immediately scooped her into his arms and stepped over the edge of the tub in order to sit down in the water with her on his lap. She looked down at his cock, standing almost straight up. It was an inch from her cunt but it was too long to fit through the slit. If it were to go inside her, she would need to practically stand up and sit back down on it. Somehow she knew Nathan was going to make it happen though.
    “Why are you so embarrassed at this point?” Nathan asked.
    Lacey did not want to admit that she did not know anything about couples except for what she had just learned today. She hated losing to him at anything, even common knowledge. Shrugging at her silence, Nathan ran his hands down her back, making her shudder, until he reached her butt. He pulled it apart and slowly pressed his finger against her tiny asshole.
    Lacey practically head butted his shoulder when she jolted. Tears formed in her eyes immediately. Was he really going to poke every hole of hers, even that one? Nathan simply chuckled at her distraught expression, making her more annoyed. He used the water as lubricant to slide both his index fingers into her butt before prying the hole apart.
    Water rushed into Lacey’s ...