1. Bunk

    Date: 6/25/2024, Categories: Mature Author: byWriteTyper, Source: Literotica

    ... not had the happiest of experiences with men. I was hoping you would be a very different experience and I'm happy to report that you were, so very very different. I lost my cherry to a guy who just wanted to get his end away, no thought for me. It took some time for me to trust men again but when I let my guard down with a boyfriend that particular experience wasn't anything to write home about either. A whole series of older men have tried to put the moves on me without getting anywhere. The last was the guy my mother moved into our home and when he tried it on with me while she was out, he got a knee to the balls for his trouble. Sadly, he kicked me out as a result and that's where you come in; I dread to think what would have happened to me if you hadn't come by."
    She wriggled on his dick and gave a sideways smile as she added "Fortunately you weren't pushy, you were upfront right from the get-go, you've been protective, and supportive but above you are packing this..." this was the point she flexed her pussy muscles "... and boy are you packing. You've made me feel whole again, I was in pieces but you were just being you and made me realise there is a wider world out there than what I could see previously. Does that answer your questions?" She got a single nod in reply so she smirked and said, "Are you ready to come now?"
    Jack thought for a moment before replying "As nice as it feels right now to be deep inside you neither of us are using any kind of protection and ...
    ... so, as much as I'd like to, I don't think coming inside you is the best option." That did it, Arden jumped off his dick and knelt as best she could so that she could take him in her mouth and she didn't let up until she was swallowing his second load down her. She then came and snuggled up beside him in the bunk with his arms wrapped around her; precisely where she felt safest. They would have stayed there longer but for Jack's alarm going off and he reluctantly announced, "We need to move, I have a timed pick up today."
    After they dressed and assumed their seats in the cab Arden cast him a sideways glance and asked, "After we've picked up, is there any chance that we could stop somewhere to buy some protection?" Her smile was infectious and made Jack bark out a laugh as he started the big rig forward. The air in the cab could have been very strained and yet it wasn't. Arden's new free and easy persona sat well with Jack and after he had picked up his next shipment, they started heading back north but stopped to ensure they purchased some form of protection. By way of thanks as soon as the rig was rolling again Arden removed her safety belt and draped herself across the front seats. Jack wore a questioning expression as she tussled with his zipper and once that obstacle was out of the way she fished his hardening dick into the air.
    If Jack was surprised at her brashness, he was even more stunned when she craned her neck forward and took him in her mouth once more while ...