1. Bunk

    Date: 6/25/2024, Categories: Mature Author: byWriteTyper, Source: Literotica

    This story depicts mature sex, if this is not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise, I hope you enjoy it.
    Jack pulled his rig off the road and allowed himself a sigh of relief. The weather was foul, spray everywhere; yes, he was in a big heavy rig that could handle it but the wind buffeting his trailer from the side required all his concentration. He would use the facilities and then grab a bite to eat, maybe then the weather would abate a bit. He emerged from his cab and as he scanned the way to his door, his peripheral vision caught sight of a slight figure huddled under a green parka coat seemingly trying their best to shelter from the elements. Just as the thought appeared in his head 'This is no weather to be out, whatever your circumstance' something in the way the figure held themselves added the thought 'Vulnerable person. If they are not careful some cruel bastard's going to exploit you.'
    Something made him walk towards the stranger "Have you anywhere to get out of this weather?" His words made the individual physically jump and that was when Jack saw they were having to riffle through a bin making him have a change of heart "Look come with me out of the rain and we'll get you fixed up with something warm to eat."
    The hood of the coat was pulled back and the thin face stared back at him "Can't" a shallow female voice sounded, adding "No money."
    That galvanised Jack, she couldn't be much more than 18 and looked ...
    ... so fragile making him try to steer her to the café saying "Don't worry about that, it'll be my treat and before you ask, no I don't want anything in return I just want to try a do a good deed each day and you are todays. I'm heading in there anyway and it'll make a pleasant change to have some company. Once I'm satisfied you've eaten something you're free to be on your way."
    The figure didn't initially budge and wanting to get out of the rain himself Jack steered her to the door by extending his arm behind her without actually touching her. Upon reaching the door he wrenched it open easily but stepped back to allow the stranger to enter before him. As a waitress strode towards them Jack informed her with his deep voice "Table for two please" as they removed their coats. It was obvious the stranger had been sleeping rough for some time and as they took their seats facing each other Jack instructed her "Have whatever you want from the menu."
    In a shallow voice, she replied, "I'll just make do with some dry toast."
    "No that won't do at all" was his immediate reply. "Order a meal, whatever appeals, burger, pizza, stew pick a couple if needs be." He guessed she was about to argue as she drew a breath in and he decided to clarify "Look, I promised my late mother on her death bed that I would try every day to make her proud of me. She was my world and I took that oath seriously so for my own sake please don't make me let her down. Bad things happen to people like you, they ...