1. Bunk

    Date: 6/25/2024, Categories: Mature Author: byWriteTyper, Source: Literotica

    ... may already have for all I know, but you need to know that there are still good people out there. There isn't much I can do for you but this is something, maybe the only thing I can do for today's chosen good deed."
    The stranger just stared at him aghast "I... I... don't know what to say."
    "Don't say anything other than what you want to eat" he stated as he held his hand out saying "I'm Jack by the way."
    The stranger took his hand and daintily shook it once "Arden. That tower burger looks nice."
    Jack smiled and nodded "Then that is what you will have but what to drink? And no, just a glass of water won't cut it."
    She smiled at him guessing what she would have said, it was the first smile he had seen from her but just that made his gesture seem worthwhile. In the end, she ordered a Cola which Jack asked for a large. They sat and made strained small talk while they waited for their food which in fairness wasn't that long. The way she attacked her burger made Jack wonder when the last time she had eaten. He didn't have kids but seeing her in this state brought out the paternal side of him, especially as he figured she was just about young enough to possibly be his daughter. 'You wouldn't treat an animal this poorly' was his mindset. After they had eaten, seeing as the weather was still foul, they sat to let their food digest and Jack asked about the elephant in the room "So what next for Arden, are you heading someplace in particular?"
    This was the point when ...
    ... Arden retreated into herself, shrugged and mumbled "Dunnow. Anywhere but here I guess."
    It was such a shame to have someone so young so broken and so Jack decided to steer the conversation "You can ride with me if you want, it's warm and dry and we can take turns with the bunk in the back." He held up his hands as he quickly added "It's nothing creepy, I'm not going to push you for sexual favours or anything like that. I have a two-day run north to drop this load and then pick up another load a day east from there. You decide when and where you jump off, I'll understand though if you'd rather not get in a big rig with a stranger."
    Her look of concern soon changed to one of delight when he laid out that he wasn't looking for anything dodgy and she eventually replied "If you don't mind I'd like to ride along. Something tells me there's something different about you."
    Jack smiled, he rarely got the chance of company while driving so he said "Okay, let's settle up, make a toilet trip and get some snacks for the journey. What would you like?" Arden was bashful again but picked out her favourite from when she was a child. As they made their selection Jack spotted a small stand of toiletries and asked "I don't have any of that stuff and figure neither do you. Do you need any sanitary products?"
    Arden looked but put her wall up again and said, "I'm fine."
    Jack made one last offer "Maybe not now but for later, why not get some while I'm settling the bill?" She made a ...