1. Bunk

    Date: 6/25/2024, Categories: Mature Author: byWriteTyper, Source: Literotica

    ... lunge for some and was about to say something but he spoke up "No you don't need to keep saying thank you all the while. I've told you I'm doing this for my mother and I had a nice bonus on my last run so you get to share a bit of that." Arden went off to the toilet as Jack waited outside and once she emerged they made their way to his cab. It seemed to Jack that Arden visibly relaxed once they had pulled off and the wheels started turning. "There is one condition though" Arden looked concerned for a moment until he clarified "My cab, my music, okay?" his answer was her smile once more. They conversed for an hour or so before Arden started to yawn although she did apologise. Jack smiled and nodded behind him saying "It's the sound and motion of the wheels, I've gotten used to it but first-timers often start feeling drowsy at this point. You are welcome to crash in the bunk although you might need to tidy some stuff away first. Alternatively, you could try hunkering down on the two front seats."
    Arden went with the latter and she must have had a good three hours of sleep, although Jack noticed it wasn't restful with all the twitching and mumbling she was making. He would have liked to talk to her about it but figured it was too soon and hoped there would be an opening later. She started to slowly wake up and started to ask as she stretched, "Where are we?" just as a big road sign proclaimed their current position. As they crossed a wide bridge spanning the river she ...
    ... proclaimed "Wow, it's very pretty."
    Jack shrugged and replied "I've seen too many places like this in my years of trucking. I take it you've never been here before."
    Arden continued to stare out at the view as she shook her head "No, never been an hour out of town. This is kind of exciting."
    Jack nodded and replied "It's a big world out there. It's a pleasure to offer a safe environment for you to explore. We do need to make a stop though for the toilet and something to eat." As he parked up, Jack grabbed a bag from the bunk and beckoned to Arden saying, "We need to make a stop beforehand at a launderette." She thought nothing of it but his first stop was a charity thrift store as he said, "Go and pick a couple of different outfits and then we can get your current stuff cleaned while mine is going around."
    Arden just managed to draw breath and start to say "But I can't..." she stopped when he gave her that expression and she remembered his words from yesterday about doing this for his late mother. She just left it at "Thank you, that's very kind of you. I'm sure your Mum would be very proud of you."
    Having tried a couple of items in the small changing area Jack suggested "Keep one of them on, I'll settle up while you deposit your old things in the wash bag." A brief stop at the launderette to get things started preceded them finding a small diner that was open and he could get some more food down Arden although she seemed to struggle compared to earlier. They made a ...