1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... later Nurse Trina came to get Alice. She had a leash, and secured it and a collar around Alice’s neck. She untied her hands so that she could walk on all fours out of the stall, into the pavilion where they had set up a stanchion for washing the slaves. She led Alice into the stanchion, securing her by the collar, wrists, and ankles to the wood posts buried deep in the ground. Kneeling on the platform between the study posts, Alice felt like a cow, which she supposed she was given the barn and milking setup.
    “Welcome, Alice, to your prison and new life. This is not like the hospital where I am your caretaker. In this barn prison we are going to get to know each other very well as warden and prisoner” nurse Trina said. Ms Barbara was in the house watching the monitors as Alice’s helpless body being readied for her first humiliating torture as prisoner. Warden Trina wanted to intimidate the girl with her big knife she liked to carry in a sheath on her belt. She used it to cut the rope harness off her body strand at a time freeing Alice’s tortured clit and bound breasts and removing the strong clamps that had held any milk from leaking out. Alice’s swollen breasts hung down, her puffy pussy just barely visible from behind.
    Spit was starting to drip from her ball gag as nurse Trina groped every inch of Alice. She palmed her now leaking breasts, twisting her dripping nipples until Alice winced and moaned to gauge her pain tolerance. She touched her belly, pressing down on ...
    ... her back to arch it and grant better access to her pussy. Nurse Trina parted Alice’s lips, grazing her finger across her clit before gently pressing into her wet hole. She fingered Alice’s asshole as well, ensuring that she had a good sense of her tolerance before the work began.
    “Look at that needy pussy already wet and starting to leak down your thighs. You are no more than a filthy animal, only craving sex. We are going to treat you like exactly that. You will have scheduled milkings, just like a cow” Picking up a riding crop and swatting the girl's perfect ass Trina struck her with every pause in her sentences. “You will have vet inspections, ( swat) like the horses, (swat) You will be bred like a dog. (swat) You will accept all of these punishments wordlessly, (swat) because animals do not speak. (swat) If we need you to speak, (swat) we will ask you directly(swat) otherwise, you may only make moaning or animal noises (swat) Do you fucking understand, slave?” (swat) Alice whimpered as she nodded as she dared to look up pitifully at the cruel woman. Pulling against her restraints as a deeper fear than she had even known began to take hold she kept nodding her head to let it be known she understood and would behave. Trina crossed her arms and stood over the terrified girl “Good, now let’s begin.”
    Knowing that big ball gags make the jaws very sore and can't be worn all the time and Alice had shown agreement she needs to resist speaking in any way until told she could ...