1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... “Keep it in your mouth baby, focus on sucking mommy,” she said firmly. Alice resumed, shocked at having been slapped. She suckled mommy again, melting as mommy gently played with her nipples. When mommy pinched her again it hurt, and Alice unlatched to yelp. Another slap across the face had mommy then forcing her nipple back into Alice's mouth. “Mommy it hurts,” she said with her mouth full. “You need to do what mommy says, baby,” she said, stroking Alice’s nipple again. Alice suckled, braced for the pain she knew was coming. This time when mommy pinched, she kept the nipple in her mouth, sucking harder as she tried to channel the pain. “Much better, good girl,” mommy said, pinching again even harder. The torture went on for what felt like hours, Alice staying focused on keeping mommy’s nipple in her mouth as mommy hurt her.
    When mommy was finished, she inspected Alice’s naughty little pussy. “You are soaked baby, i think it;s time for you to cum,” she said, to Alice’s great relief. “You were a very good girl earning your orgasm- Mommy had to hurt you so that you can appreciate how good it feels,” she explained, with Alice barely listening in excitement. Mommy readied some tools on the side table to the bed, and sat down on the stool perched between Alice’s legs. “Are you ready baby?” she asked. When Alice replied “yes mommy,” in a quiet voice, it ended in a moan as mommy stroked her clit.
    It had been so long since alice’s clit was purposely stimulated, that the ...
    ... sensation almost felt foreign. It felt like mommy was burning her, every stroke sending fire through her body. “You are going to have to cum as many times as you can in the next half hour, and then we will stop,” mommy explained as she gently stroked Alice. “Once you have your first, I am going to keep forcing you to cum, no matter what- it’s part of the treatment.”
    “Yes mommy, thank you,” Alice said politely, almost a mumble as she got lost in the pleasure. She could feel herself nearing the edge, almost consumed with excitement knowing that she could cum. “Tell mommy when you’re ready,” mommy encouraged, and she no sooner finished the sentence than she said “please mommy now!”
    Mommy removed her fingers from her clit immediately, smirking as she cried out in frustration. “Ooo, sweetie, not yet,” she teased, grinning at Alice’s misfortune. “Mommy!” the girl cried, feeling sick as her clit throbbed. “Why?” she asked in a small voice, feeling the tears well up again.
    “Because you have a naughty pussy, baby, and mommy needs to punish it,” mommy grinned, gently starting to stroke Alice again. She edged her three more times, until Alice was crying again. “Mommy, it hurts, please, I need to cum,” Alice whined, tears streaming down her face as mommy kept stroking. She was barely touching her, her clit swollen, soaked, and rock hard from the edging. “I know it hurts, baby, just two more edges and then you can cum, okay?” mommy said, as if Alice had a say.
    Alice let mommy lead ...