1. Spanish Hospitality

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byReclaimingLostTime, Source: Literotica

    ... obvious, so he rolled onto his side, but that only brought their bodies into view, so huffing and puffing he rolled the other way.
    "For God's sake Matt, settle down will you," complained Fiona, "if it won't go down either go indoors or get in the water." The latter sounded a good idea, but Matt couldn't face the walk to the pool with his cock sticking out like a signpost.
    "Give him a break, Fi, he'll get used to it eventually, but why don't you help him out this time. I don't mind, really." Fiona huffed and puffed herself, but got up and sat on the edge of Matt's sun bed as he rolled onto his back once more. She took hold of his cock and started to stroke it, running her hand along its length as Matt lay back and relaxed. He knew that she'd be wanting more and he wondered what Fliss' reaction would be if she straddled him and put it in her pussy.
    He closed his eyes and allowed that thought to gain traction, seeing her in his mind's eye. He glanced over to Fliss and saw that she was actually watching intently, her hand seemingly between her legs, moving gently. The thought of her masturbating beside him, sent a surge through him and his climax burst upon him, his cock spurting all over Fiona, covering her breasts and stomach, missing him completely.
    "Typical," grimaced Fiona, "leaving me with all the mess to clear up!" She wiped her hand on his stomach and returned to her bed to clean herself off with her towel, then settled back down.
    "Missed a bit," said ...
    ... Fliss, reaching over to her sister's breast and scooping up a splash of cum with her finger, then impishly cleaning off her finger in her mouth, smacking her lips. "Mmm, nice."
    They lay in the sun for another hour or so, Matt relieved that his erection didn't return, well not fully anyway, managing to control his semi-chub with a few visits to the pool. They retreated indoors to shower and get ready for dinner, Fliss announcing that she would prepare something rather than go out again.
    They ate on the patio, the evening beautifully warm. Both women wore sundresses, he knew that Fiona didn't have a bra on, and from what he could detect, neither did Fliss. In some way that was even more sexy that seeing them both naked, envisioning their breasts and nipples so tantalisingly out of sight. Unobtrusively he settled his cock more comfortably in his shorts.
    Finished they cleared up, then took some drinks to the cube furniture by the pool, Matt and Fiona settling on the settee, Fliss, tucking her legs up under her on one of the chairs. They could see the lights down in the town on the coast, making a truly magical view. Matt bent his head and gave Fiona a kiss, their lips lingering on each other.
    "Hey, that's not fair," complained Fliss, "I haven't got anyone to cuddle up to and kiss me!"
    "Come on over here, then Fliss," answered Fiona, "you can share him with me this evening, just a cuddle mind!"
    Fliss jumped off the chair and settled in beside Matt, her body close to ...