1. Spanish Hospitality

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byReclaimingLostTime, Source: Literotica

    ... dressed in her robe, holding two glasses of juice. "Thought you might like these." She offered them forwards as Matt sat up, conscious of his nakedness under the covers. "You shouldn't sleep too long for siesta or you'll never sleep tonight." Matt's eyes focussed and were dragged down to Fliss' nipples which were sticking out quite prominently. He took the glasses as Fiona sat up, her breasts rising out of the covers. She pulled the sheet up to cover them and smiled gratefully at her sister. "I'll be out by the pool when you're ready." With a pointed look at the two swimming costumes on the floor beside the bed, she turned and left. Matt and Fiona finished their juice and got up, going into the bathroom to freshen up before returning to put on their costumes again and walked out onto the patio, holding hands. Fliss was reclining on the lounger, still in her robe.
    "Ah, there you are," said Fliss, "feel better after that do you?" She looked down at their cossies and added, "I'm surprised you bothered to put those back on, I didn't. See!" and with that she stood up, allowing her robe to fall from her shoulders revealing her to be totally naked. Matt couldn't help but stare at her, he'd only just got used to seeing her breasts, now there she was flashing her pussy at him.
    It was quite a nice pussy, he thought, her inner lips were larger than Fiona's neat labia, and her clit was much more prominent, all highlighted by the lack of any pubic hair whatsoever. "Don't look so ...
    ... surprised Matt," she said, "it's quite secluded here and Miguel and I rarely wear any clothes around the pool. Feel free to join me, we're all family after all."
    Matt looked at Fiona who seemed equally surprised, but she shrugged at him and sliding her fingers into her waistband, slid her bottoms down. "When in Rome....." Despite his earlier orgasm, Matt was hard as rock again, and he wondered how that would go down with the two sisters. Nevertheless he took slipped his shorts down, struggling to get them over his erection and stood waiting for a reaction.
    "Nice cock Matt," exclaimed Fliss, "no wonder Fiona had a smile on her face when I woke you up earlier. Remember what I said about it earlier, if it gets too much just get yourself off or get Fiona to do it for you. If she won't then I will." She added coquettishly.
    "Hands off, Fliss, he's mine. You stole enough of my boyfriends when we were young, and anyway you've got one of your own now."
    "Yes but he's not here and I'm getting tired of using these." She lifted her hand and waggled her fingers in the air.
    "You're incorrigible Fliss, a nymphomaniac then, and now by the sound of it."
    They settled on the loungers, re-applying their sun cream, taking care over their newly exposed parts, Matt self-consciously stroking his cock to rub the cream in, then lay back, trying to ignore the two naked women lying beside him. At first he lay on his back, but the sight of his cock sticking straight up in the air looked too ...