1. Spanish Hospitality

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byReclaimingLostTime, Source: Literotica

    ... his, her arm across his chest. Matt could feel the warmth radiating from them and the feel of their bodies so close to him started a flow of blood to his cock which started to strain in his shorts. He had an arm round each of them and he allowed the fingers of the hand round Fiona to track down to her breast, finding the hard lump that was her nipple and tracing round it. She shivered and pushed his hand away, but he persisted and replaced it, pressing into the soft flesh of her breast.
    "Remember when we were kids, Fi," started Fliss, "sitting up in each other's bed, talking about what it would be like to be married. Who would have thought we'd end up sitting here together like this."
    "As I recall it, you were more interested in sex than marriage, wondering what it would be like, talking incessantly about boys, which of your friends had done it, which would never do it and which boys you fancied."
    "Well I was older than you, and a girl's got to be allowed to dream. On that note I think I'll go to bed and..." she wiggled her fingers. "Unless you have any plans on skinny dipping tonight?"
    "You saw us?"
    "Sure did. Nearly came and joined you, but Miguel distracted me. From behind." She added. With that they rose and hugging and kissing bade each other goodnight, departing to their bedrooms.
    Matt stripped off his clothes and got straight into bed as Fiona went into the bathroom, emerging a few minutes later still fully dressed. She grasped the hem of her dress ...
    ... and pulled it up over her head, her breasts bouncing on her chest as they fell free. She carefully laid it over a chair then slipped out of her panties, walking over to Matt's side of the bed. "That was most unfair of you, playing with my tits when I couldn't do the same to you. For that you can give me a special treat tonight."
    She put one knee on the bed and swung the other one over Matt's chest, sitting astride him, her pussy lips parting in front of his eyes, then she raised herself up over his face. "Now lick me 'til I cum!" she commanded. Matt needed no second invitation, lifting his head until his mouth pressed against her lips, his tongue parting the soft folds, sliding along her slit, tasting her juices as they flowed from her. He found her clit and flicked at it with his tongue, then back down until his probing tongue pushed into her pussy.
    His hands grabbed her buttocks, pulling him tighter into her as she rubbed against him, coating his face in her secretions. He could see her breasts jutting from her chest, her nipples hard and dark against her pale skin. Back and forth his tongue travelled, pushing hard against her, each pass reaching her clit, lingering sometimes, others just flicking at it in passing.
    One finger eased into her crease, finding her anus and pressing against it, just the tip teasing inside as her movements started to become more urgent, her hands now grasping his head, pulling him against her as her hips rocked forward and back. Her hands ...