1. Kanani in the Pool

    Date: 6/5/2024, Categories: Mature Author: byJerryDancer, Source: Literotica

    ... ... and how I repaid that generosity by fucking Kanani.
    As I said, I eventually became aware that Samantha was not ever going to be attainable. At this point, I had known her and her brother for six or seven years. We had gone to middle-school together, even been in some of the same classes. By high school, we didn't have any classes together. I was in Honors and AP classes, and they were in the "regular" classes. No offense, but I was a helluva lot smarter than either of them. At least intellectually. As far as emotional stuff,yeah. I already admitted I was Pretty Fucked-Up emotionally. That situation lasted until well after high school was over. Some—like my wife—would say it's still the situation. Asperger's, anyone?
    Samantha was not attainable but maybe—just maybe—Kanani was. Or maybe Iwanted Kanani to be attainable. We have already established that I was an 18-year-old teenage boy and I would have fucked a four-leaf clover if it spread its legs open for me. Regardless, as time passed, as Jake and Samantha and I approached the end of high school and Kanani approached the end of her marriage, I got the sense she wasn't opposed to a little bit of subtle flirting with me.
    I think it started in their pool. Kanani loved that pool. She swam laps nearly every day, wearing a modest bikini. Yes, a bikini. Even after having twins nearly eighteen years before, she still looked good in a bikini. She looked Really Good.
    She swam laps and sometimes I just sat on ...
    ... the side of the pool, watching her. I watched her swim and I fantasized about taking that bikini off her dark-skinned body and exploring that same body with my fingers and my tongue. While she swam freestyle, I fantasized about that little gap between her inner thighs. I fantasized about fucking her. In my fantasy, I lasted longer than one minute. That was my goal: I wanted to last at least one minute before I came. I hadn't achieved that goal during my first two attempts.
    I watched Kanani swim and I fantasized about her, about us. I'm pretty fucking sure she knew what I was thinking when I watched her swim. I'm pretty damn sure she knew—and I believe she liked it. She liked the thought that her approaching-forty mother's body turned me on. I have to believe she liked it, because why else would she flirt with me?
    The best flirt went like this:
    I left something over at the Carlson's house one night. I forget what it was. Let's just say it was a jacket. Anyway, I called their house the next afternoon to make sure they were home, so I could pick it up. Kanani answered.
    "Yes, you can come pick it up, but I'm just about to jump into the shower," she told me. "Give me at least thirty minutes, then I'll be dressed. You can get your jacket then."
    You can bet my mind went right into that shower along with her.
    I looked at the clock. I made a plan. I wasn't going to wait thirty minutes—no fucking way! I was going to ring their doorbell while she was still in the shower. ...