1. Kanani in the Pool

    Date: 6/5/2024, Categories: Mature Author: byJerryDancer, Source: Literotica

    ... to being compatible. Not that I realized the situation at the time. I kept flirting with her every time I saw her, but she was Just Not Interested. I was so desperate to be with her that I kept trying despite receiving clear and consistent "not interested." Let's say I got an "A" for effort but a "D Minus" for actual results.
    Jake was on the high school football team. He wasn't particularly good, but that didn't matter all that much because he was On the Team. I didn't play football. I didn't play shit. I was a fucking nerd and I still am a nerd. Nerds may be cool now but they most certainly were not cool at that time. Still, Jake tolerated me. We were friends and had been for years. He let me come over and hang out. We played CDs and talked about music as if that was An Important Topic of Conversation. Looking back, we didn't know shit about music—but we enjoyed listening to rock and the stuff that suburban white teens listened to at that time. I recall that Guns 'N' Roses were big for us, though we never made it to a concert.
    Jake's parents were cool to me. I don't know why. Maybe they knew my family situation and took pity on me. Maybe I played a role in their own family dynamics—like the graphite rods that damp down nuclear fission reactions before they get out of control. I have no idea why they let me come over three or four times a week (after dinner), hang out with them, and watch TV with them in their TV room. It was a regular thing throughout most of high ...
    ... school: Jake and Samantha sat on the sofa next to their mom. Jake's dad sat on a chair, a beer in his hand. I sat on the floor, my back against the sofa. That was the scene, three or four times a week.
    I have no idea why they let me come over and swim in their pool almost every weekend. I Do Not Know and it drives me crazy when I think about it. How could one family graciously open their home to a teenager—one who was so obviously smitten with their daughter? I have wondered about that mystery for 30 years, without finding any answers.
    Anyway, Jake was chill and friendly, even though he was on the football team; Samantha was hot but Not Available—a constant source of sexual tension (which was 100% one-sided). Dad—John—was a VP at a quickly declining company but he had a cool Corvette.
    And mom? What about Kanani? Yeah. That's what the rest of this little confession is about.
    Kanani and John, Jake and Samantha's parents. There was a story there and I'm not sure I ever knew the entire thing.
    Kanani was Hawaiian. Literally born and raised on one of the islands. She looked like it: skin the color between brown and gold, raven black hair that fell to her shoulders. Large dark eyes—irises colored somewhere between warm brown and chocolate black. Full red lips. She was about five foot six or seven and, despite having twins, she was slender. Legs that went on for miles. Almost willowy, I would say now, looking back on my memory's picture of her. Smallish breasts ...