1. April Fools Sibling Competition

    Date: 6/3/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byknowsbetterxx, Source: Literotica

    ... wasn't until next Tuesday, and both had classes all day. Both studied a little after classes, ate, and continued studying. With their parents visiting grandma in Orlando for the weekend, they had the house to themselves in Miami. They lived in a typical housing development on a cul-de-sac. Most of the families used the development's pools, that's why you pay the HOA, but their neighbors across the street, the Lamberts, had a private pool in their backyard. The Lamberts often sponsored pool parties mainly to show it off. It was heated and always maintained a temperature of eighty-two degrees. The Lamberts were well-healed financially. Mr. Lambert was a vice president of a successful finance company, and they had a pool company maintain it. Even when they went on trips, the pool was heated and maintained. Billy Lambert, the son, and James were good friends. Both the siblings had been in the pool many times.
    "Hey, I'm sweating. You want to sneak into the Lambert's pool. They are on vacation until Saturday," James offered.
    Surprisingly, Diane squealed excitedly, saying, "Yeah, I know. I was just about to suggest the same thing."
    Usually, she wanted to avoid doing anything with James as older sisters often do. She was the oldest by three minutes and never, ever let him forget it. Diane was surprised James asked her since she rarely said yes, and he had mostly given up asking her.
    "Let me get my suit on, and I will meet you at the front door in two minutes," she ...
    ... squealed.
    James hadn't seen her that excited about anything recently, and he smirked.
    Two minutes later, they met at the front door in their suits with towels slung over their shoulders. Diane's bikini was miniscule. She had bought it way back at the end of last season and thought momentarily it was a slightly different shade. It had a near flesh-colored thong and was so small she was glad she shaved. The top was also flesh-colored and only somewhat more than two large postage stamps with prominent bulges in the middle connected by strings. Her father didn't know she had it and would never have let her out of the house in it. James' suit was more conservative, just regular trunks, pretty mundane. His mother always bought them, and he couldn't even describe the color if asked.
    Being in Florida, the temperatures were warm and, thanks to global warming, were unusually warm this year. Rather than the high sixties and low seventies, there had been a heat wave for the last week with the temperatures in the high eighties, humid as hell, and the evening forecast said it would not get below eighty. It was seven-thirty, and sunset was about to commence.
    Surprisingly, as they exited through the front door, Diane said, "Let's leave our towels here. It is just something more to carry, and it is so warm we don't need them."
    James smirked, "Yeah, ok," readily agreeing with his older sister.
    Diane thought it strange he agreed so readily. He usually didn't agree with her about ...