1. April Fools Sibling Competition

    Date: 6/3/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byknowsbetterxx, Source: Literotica

    Author's notes: Everyone is over eighteen. This is a fictional story written for theApril Fools Day Story Contest 2024. Warning: there is incest in this piece. That's why I put it in that category. If that offends you, skip this piece. Feel free to comment and vote.
    The eight-year-old twins Diane and James were awakened one morning by their parents and were told their father and mother had lost their jobs and to eat, the two children would have to go to work for grumpy Mrs. Gundry down the street. She was the neighborhood gossip who no one liked, who kept baseballs accidentally hit into her yard, and who refused even to buy Girl Scout cookies. She yelled at kids riding their bikes in front of her house for no reason or at people walking their dogs, warning she had better not find any dog poop in her yard. It was so bad not even a teenager would go there to mow her lawn because she always complained and short-changed them, saying the job wasn't worth what they asked.
    Both children were terrified. Tragic figures, they accompanied their parents up the sidewalk to her house, their feet getting heavier and heavier with each step so that when they reached the end of Mr. Willson's hedge, the beginning of Mrs. Gundry's front yard, Diane began to weep and grabbed James' hand. No condemned criminal walking to the electric chair ever looked more tragic. Tears streamed down Diane's cheeks as both whimpered. Almost to the walk from the sidewalk to her front door, ...
    ... their parents burst into laughter.
    "April Fools," they exclaimed.
    Thus was their introduction to April Fools Day. This quite nasty introduction to the celebration by their parents would establish the parameters of celebration for the two children, which even the parents would come to regret. Such as the real, not fake snake the parents woke up to when they were ten or the severed finger at fourteen that looked so real their mother fainted, requiring a trip to the emergency room. Or the piece de resistance when they faked Diane being crushed by the garage door at seventeen. Not only did her mother faint, but their father puked. Each ended with them squealing "April Fools" and dancing around merrily. These are only a few of the highlights. It seemed they tried to be more and more sadistic in their jokes on good old Mom and Dad until, finally, their father forbade them.
    So naturally, they turned on each other. Each year, they tried to outdo the other, with one being declared the winner. At eighteen and in the same local university, Diane, knowing James liked a girl, Bella, concocted an elaborate scheme, sending notes to James pretending to be an adoring Bella, inviting him to an illicit rendezvous. All heated up and in anticipation of a wet dream come true, all he got was a dozen people, including Bella, to his horror, yelling April Fools! Diane won this one.
    Not to be outdone the following year at nineteen, James knew Diane liked to dance in her first-floor bedroom ...