1. April Fools Sibling Competition

    Date: 6/3/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byknowsbetterxx, Source: Literotica

    ... in her underwear, and her room had a large panel of windows. So he rigged the drapes. Gathering a bunch of guys in the yard, James waited for the music indicating the beginning of her dancing. When the music played, he activated the drapes, dropping them. All the guys hooted and yelled April Fools! Mortified, she screamed and ran for cover. Of course, he got into trouble with Mom and Dad, but the look on Diane's face was worth it. James won this one.
    Out for revenge the following year at twenty, Diane managed to forge a letter on the university stationery that indicated James was being expelled for indecent behavior and that the police had been notified. She even got an actual cop, a friend of a friend of hers, to show up at the house. James' near heart attack indicated she won.
    Not to be outdone, the following year, at twenty-one, James stuck a common pin through the wire on Diane's wired electric dildo, being careful to cut the pin off flush with the wire casing so she wouldn't see it just as depicted in the movieAmélie. When she plugged it in on the morning of April 1st, expecting a great pick-me-up, the pin caused it to short out and pop the circuit breaker. She screamed, yanking the plug. Dad, trying to save the day, burst through her unlocked bedroom door and found her standing there naked with a smoking industrial-grade dildo in her hand. James got into trouble, but Diane had a bunch of explaining to do, too. Although Diane protested, James won that ...
    ... year.
    And so, we come to the following year. James was neck-deep in studying for his MBA, paid for by the company he had spent the last two years interning with. Diane was getting her Master's in Education to teach. Still living at home, they could avoid much of the crushing debt of higher education, although they would have preferred to be on their own. Be that as it may, both worked part-time, enabling them to contribute to the household, and everyone made the best of it. Their parents were social butterflies who were out most nights, and their parents figured the better off financially the kids were at the beginning, the less chance of a failure to launch.
    The April Fools joke, better described as torture, didn't have to happen exactly on April 1st. Early on, they had discovered each other would be highly on guard, and even an innocent call to dinner would get the, "I'm not falling for that." It was mutually agreed then by the twins that two weeks on either side of the date would be sufficient to have stretches of time where one might not be on guard.
    Even in declared wins, with two each since Dad forbade them to aim their pranks at their parents, the two highly competitive siblings were out for blood. Each had great ones in their minds and prepared weeks in advance. Their parents were going to grandma's for the weekend, so on Thursday, March 27th, James sneaked into Diane's bedroom unbeknownst to her, and unbeknownst to James, Diane snuck into James's.
    April Fools Day ...