1. Look What I Found, Daddy Ch. 02

    Date: 5/27/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byjrbaconchz, Source: Literotica

    ... stairway into the basement, but the hood of her hoodie got caught on the handrail. Sara's body rolled off the side of the steps and she was being hung by her hoodie.
    Sara thrashed and kicked as much as she could and finally fell out of her hoodie and down to the ground below and she bruised her ass on the concrete floor. But in that moment, in that choking moment, Sara felt that same way as she did when her father held her head down, impaling her with his cock.
    Sara's brain then shifted to the time she was eating a popsicle while running on the pool deck. The lifeguard blew his whistle to get her to stop running. The sharp sound scared Sara, who then promptly tripped over a loose towel. Sara fell, popsicle stick first, onto the pool deck. The popsicle was lodged in her throat and Sara stood up quickly as she frantically attempted to pull it out. The lifeguard jumped down and was able to pull it out immediately. But in that moment, feeling the popsicle stuck in her throat, cutting off her airway, it was the same sensation that her daddy was giving her.
    Sara continued to flail on her daddy's lap as she gasped for air. Sara was convinced that time was standing still. She was convinced that she was going to die, die in the hands of her father who held her down on his cock too long. She imagined the headline; man suffocates his youngest daughter on his own cock.
    Her hands finally gave up on pushing back, her daddy was too strong. She, instead, started flailing her ...
    ... arms around. She figured one hit had to land somewhere effective, causing him to loosen his grip.
    Clark had never been so turned on. He felt his balls contracting, his cock twitching in Sara's throat. The pleasure was building and building in Clark's thrusting cock. His first load squirted a huge rope of cum down Sara's throat.
    Sara was tired from the flailing, she resigned herself to accepting her fate. She was broken. The first wave of cum hit so far down her throat that she didn't even have to swallow. She felt her muscles contract, but also felt the obstacle in their way causing Sara a sensation that her esophagus was being torn in two.
    Clark's second shot was accentuated by Sara's throat closing around his bell end. Sara was milking his cock with her throat, what a pro. Clark giggled as he remembered that Sara couldn't be his cum dumpster, she was sitting in the passenger seat, with the seatbelt on, napping.
    Sara felt the last of her daddy's cum oozing from his cock. She then felt a rush of blood entering her head. It caused such a rush in her head that she instinctively kept her mouth locked on her dad's cock as it started its escape. Sara suckled on her daddy's cock head, drinking down the last of his cum.
    Clark didn't expect Sara to give him this type of ending. Sure, she'd have to swallow his cum, or she might have collected it and spat it all over his car. Either way he made his point. But the gentle sucking on his cock, draining him of his entire load, ...