1. Look What I Found, Daddy Ch. 02

    Date: 5/27/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byjrbaconchz, Source: Literotica

    Sara Found Her Purpose
    Clark took the opportunity to spend some time alone with his 18-year-old daughter, Sara, while his wife, Beth, spent time with their older daughter, Maggie, and their first grandchild, Clarissa. Clark and Sara were visiting potential colleges and the last one on their list just happened to be Clark's alma mater.
    Clark was proud that both of his daughters wanted to follow in his footsteps and attend the same college as he did. It didn't work out for Maggie, it's difficult to focus on your studies while pregnant or raising a newborn. Clark was confident that Sara wouldn't have that problem.
    As they drove through the mountains on a two-lane road Sara suddenly did a double take. That was the mile marker that she stared at for so long while her father and sister were extracted from a sleeping bag. That night, a year ago, wasn't the first time Sara had peeked at her father's naked body, but it was the first time she had seen cum in person. Cum dripping from her father's hard cock, from her sister's pussy lips, and running down her thighs.
    Now, a year later, there was no snow, just she and daddy driving to see a college that Sara had no intention of going to. Beth, her mother, had insisted Sara go with her father over the weekend. Sara didn't know why, but as the days got closer, Sara overheard her mother and sister talking the day before.
    "Mom, listen to me, it's daddy's baby, I haven't been with anyone else!" Maggie's voice came from her ...
    ... mom's phone.
    "Nonsense, honey," Beth said, clearly gaslighting her daughter. "That boy you were seeing, the one from prom. Remember how he left you crying?"
    "Mom, it was the night with daddy. You saw us, you saw how much of his cum was dripping out of my-"
    "Honey," Beth interrupted, "Such language. It's fine if you don't know who the father is. The birth certificate will just remain blank. It's not a problem, it happens all the time these days."
    "Mom! The baby is Daddy's." Maggie cried as she spoke.
    "Honey, I'll see you in a couple of days and I'll help you out. You can rely on me to help you forget about that stupid moron who wouldn't kiss you after prom, but was more than willing to knock you up and never look back. You don't need him in your life."
    Sara just shook her head to herself as they rode along in the car. Her memories of the last year were vague, especially the first few weeks after the event. Her mother tried so hard to get Sara and Maggie to forget all about what happened.
    Mom also got into daddy's head, convinced him that he wasn't inside Maggie's pussy, but his cock was underneath it, in the thigh gap. Maggie was just teasing him, and all of the talk was just to make Beth angry for not taking Maggie to college herself.
    Sara knew that no one believed Beth, but Sara and Clark were trained that if the subject were to ever come up, there was never any intercourse between daddy and Maggie. Sara didn't mind, she knew what she saw.
    When the ...