1. Look What I Found, Daddy Ch. 02

    Date: 5/27/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byjrbaconchz, Source: Literotica

    ... tell her dad that nothing was happening, and he would believe it. It worked with Maggie, it's going to work with her.
    Sara's fingers playfully drew circles in her daddy's crotch and finally found her way to his belt buckle. She was eager to get it unclasped and did so with precision. She quickly undid his pants button and unzipped her daddy's zipper.
    "Sara, stop that." Clark objected.
    "Daddy, I don't know what you're talking about! I'm sitting in the passenger seat of the car with my seat belt on and taking a nap. Now let me sleep!"
    Sara tried using her mom's tone with Clark. It worked every time her mom did it. It seemed to be working with daddy as well.
    Sara was less careful now as she tugged and pulled his pants and underwear down to his ankles. Clark helped by sporadically lifting his ass up, off the seat, just enough to allow Sara full access.
    "Daddy, look at how peacefully I'm sleeping? Maybe you want to put your hand on my head and stroke my hair as I sleep?" Sara figured he might get the hint and start pushing her head down onto his cock.
    Sara gasped at the sight of her father's flaccid penis. It looked so much different from the last time she had seen it. Sara reached out and grabbed it with one hand, her other hand sliding down to his balls.
    "Sara, honey, what are you doing? You know this isn't right -"
    "Daddy!" Sara cut him off, "I'm sleeping in the passenger seat with my seatbelt on, holy shit, are you fucking stupid? You're imagining ...
    ... things, Clark! Now stroke my hair softly while I sleep!"
    Sara knew that if she used his name he would be, emotionally at least, in a position where Beth, his wife, had put him in so many times. Clark knew the truth but was not allowed to admit to it. Clark was forced to believe that nothing had happened. Now, he was being forced to do the same thing with Sara.
    Sara held her daddy's cock in her hand. It was so heavy, so dense for its size. She watched, wide eyed, with her mouth agape as the blood started to flow. Clark's cock hardened in her hand. Sara was able to fit her fingers all the way around it and touch her thumb to her middle finger while it was flaccid.
    Then, as it grew harder and harder in her hand, the distance between her thumb and middle finger grew. Before long there was more than an inch, then two inches, then three between the two fingers. She was barely able to get half-way around his cock now.
    Sara was starting to have second thoughts. She figured she would blow him a little, just to get him hard and distracted, then they'd have to pull over and her daddy would fuck her, just like he did to her sister. However, with the size of daddy's cock, she wasn't so sure she'd fit him into her mouth.
    Clark knew what Sara was doing. He knew it as soon as he heard the click of the seatbelt. Then his daughter took a page out of her mother's playbook. Clark knew that his daughter was trying to seduce him, and she'd try using her mother's tricks to make him ...