1. Look What I Found, Daddy Ch. 02

    Date: 5/27/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byjrbaconchz, Source: Literotica

    ... sleeping bag was finally pulled back Sara was looking at them from their feet. He saw his father start to pull out of her sister. She also saw him "accidentally" fall back in a few times. When he finally pulled out completely, he was ejaculating everywhere. Some flew into the air and landed on the paramedic's tits, she didn't even notice.
    So, when her mom convinced her dad that nothing happened, Sara knew her mother was lying to her, her sister, and her daddy. Sara was going to expose every secret she could. This was now her sole purpose in life.
    "Daddy," Sara started, knowing that Clark would eventually come clean, "Why does mother always insist that you and Maggie never fucked?"
    "Sara, what kind of language is that to use with your father?" Clark protested.
    "Daddy, I saw your cock inside of her. I saw you fall back into her, and then pull out again. Several times. You know you shot your last load all over the paramedics, right?"
    "Sara! That's enough. Don't make me pull this car over. As your mother has stated a million times, your sister was only teasing, and I was not inside of her. Case closed, enough said, now keep quiet."
    "Father, please!" Sara yelled back. "I saw it, daddy. I saw your cock and it was inside of her."
    "It was under her, no entry at all."
    "Dad, she's raising your baby. Mom has never let you see Maggie's baby, has she? She named her Clarissa. Clark, Clarissa, do you get the connection?"
    Clark gripped the steering wheel tightly. ...
    ... He knew Sara was right. Ellen had tried too hard to convince him that Maggie was only teasing, that she just wanted to make Ellen angry for not going with him. Clark knew it was a load of crap.
    Clark remembered the feeling he had when his cock was pressed up against Maggie's tight little vulva. Her pussy lips were parting for him, for his cock. Clark wasn't able to move his arms much, but Maggie managed to pull her arms down and wrap her little fingers around his cock to guide him inside. Oh, God! He felt his cock jump at the thought.
    Sara was pissed. She knew what happened and her weak-minded father just kept parroting her cunt mother. She was going to make him remember.
    Sara steadied herself as she unbuckled her seatbelt and scooted closer to her father. Clark didn't notice at first, he was wracking his brain and trying to keep the story straight. Clark's body was filled with electricity as he felt Sara's fingertips on his hip and inching closer to his thigh.
    "What's up, honey?" Clark asked when he noticed she was out of her seat.
    Clark was certain that there was a logical explanation to why Sara would be touching his leg right now. There must have been a bug on his leg that she was trying to remove, or maybe some crumbs from the food they ate while driving.
    "Nothing, daddy. I'm still sitting here with my seatbelt on. I'm napping."
    Sara's fingertips found Clark's cockhead over his pants. It was still a bit spongy. Sara knew that all she had to do was ...