1. Size Queen House Slaves Ch. 4

    Date: 5/9/2024, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Incest Reluctance Slavery, Teen Male / Female Author: DiscipleN, Source: sexstories.com

    ... escorted me back to the dining table. He scrutinized me as if worried I was on drugs.
    "Hello, Darling. I'm pleased you're attending." Mom spoke like New England elite.
    "Sit your ass down so we can eat, Craig-kins." Nell stared at her food. Both acted as if they hadn't gotten naked like two feral felines short hours ago.
    Dad joked. "Should we say grace?" He was that confused by the inscrutable subtext of our family nexus.
    "Amen." I was dead serious. I hoped fervently that whatever had riled Mom and Big Sis, had ended.
    It was a dark and stormy night. I tossed and turned in my bed-
    Actually, the moon shined brightly through the curtains in my room's window. I woke up, eyes simply fluttered open. Nell stood naked in my room. I wouldn't have been surprised if her eyes glowed red and sharp horn had grown from her temples.
    "...not now, but whenever it's convenient." She turned away and faded like a ghost, only she just walked out of my room.
    I stared at the ceiling for about an hour, or so it felt.
    I woke to bright sunlight, making me blink. Like bad, stop-motion animation, Mom hauled the blanket away from my body. Morning wood stood high through the gap in my boxers. She nodded at it, eyes smoldering. "Up and at'em, Craig. I don't have much time before your father wakes. Now go shower."
    Mom followed me into the hall bathroom. Hot water was already running, steaming all metal surfaces. It took me a second to guess what she waited for. Like a ...
    ... child in a pedo porn movie, I obeyed, nervously pulling down my underwear and lifting my shirt away.
    I bent to raise the toilet seat.
    "Pee in the shower." Mom instructed. She reached into her slacks and began masturbating. "Or do you need to take a shit?"
    I should have nodded, but at that moment I feared lying to my mother more than in front of the US Supreme Court. I continued to stand, not sure if I should continue to display my massive, morning wood or escape into the steam filled shower.
    Mom didn't seem to care. Her eyes remained locked on my groin while her grunts grew louder.
    "Do you want me naked?" She asked. The soft tone of her voice nearly knocked me over. My dick pulsed into extra hardness.
    "Mmm-aaybe - later?" I tried.
    "Fine. Whatever's convenient." The word stung. Nell had said the same word - in my not-a-dream.
    I backpedaled into the steaming stall, nearly tripping.
    Mother cried out as if the whole world could take notice halfway through my shower. Her climax burst louder than the water striking ceramic tiles.
    When I exited the stall, I was alone with a huge boner which had softened briefly after pissing into the drain. After drying, I wrapped a towel around my hips and stepped gingerly into the hall.
    I passed my door and knocked on Nell's. "Sis?"
    "Yes, Craig?" She sounded uncharacteristically gentile. "Come in."
    I entered and shut the door behind me. We studied each other, tension tightening between us. "Last night-"
    "Are ...