Clementina, Chapter 7 – Goddess & Afterward
Date: 3/29/2024,
Body modification,
Author: JackDRipper
... financial centers, and other key population centers.
“Concurrent with the appearance of the clouds, many of these cities have undergone startling, even shocking changes. Cars have vanished from urban roadways, to be replaced by trains and trolleys in many locales. Some buildings have transformed into strange Gothic, almost medieval structures.
“Fossil fuel plants around the world have vanished, and hydroelectric, geothermal, solar, and other energy sources have popped up. Around the world, gasoline-powered vehicles have either vanished or transmuted into electrics except in the cases of heavy-duty transports like tractor trailers. The worlds carbon footprint has been cut by at least 75% in less than an hour.
“Armies in non-defensive postures have had their weapons vanish, only to be placed in the hands of the rightful defenders. Nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons have simply disappeared.
“Meanwhile, reports are coming in from all quarters of the appearance of mythical creatures. Elves were spotted buying souvenirs in Times Square. A bat-winged hominid was seen flying above Miami, only to land on the beach and begin sun-bathing. A troop of angry unicorns and ogres was reportedly circling the Kremlin.
“And in the southeast US, a gigantic castle has appeared on a farm in southern Georgia. This castle seems to be the locus of this change of events, but no word has come from that quarter, except a cryptic note that just read ‘You’re welcome. Please try not ...
... to [expletive] things up this time.’
“We will continue to monitor this situation and bring further updates as events warrant. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.”
Long silence.
“And our Final Jeopardy category is...Sexual Perversions! Clue after this!”
* * * *
As we emerged into the newly transformed world, the evening sky was full of purple clouds, many of which seemed to be racing this way or that.
The barn was different, it was larger and more spacious. Outside, surrounding the property, a huge castle wall had appeared, and our house had grown larger – taking on a gothic architectural style.
The gates to the castle were open, and lurking in the archway were several creatures. One was a large unicorn, another an elfin woman, a third a creature that looked like a werewolf or something like that, and the fourth was a small, pint-sized fairy flying through the air.
“Wow,” I said.
“Anybody up for a party?” my grandmother called. The creatures in the doorway nodded, and trotted into the courtyard. There were more creatures behind them. Just about anything you could name was there. A bigfoot-like creature, several more elves, a pegasus, a half-dressed vampire girl, lots of others. Into the castle courtyard they streamed.
From the Citadel, which stood off one side of the courtyard, the gar-girls swooped down to join the party, and from the direction of the barn, Princess Rosie appeared. Everybody was coming out. Music began pouring from ...