1. Clementina, Chapter 7 – Goddess & Afterward

    Date: 3/29/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Transgendered, Author: JackDRipper

    ... sex with mommy just got upped another notch.”
    “Hell yeah,” I whispered back.
    When we had recovered, Gaia stood and turned to the rest of the crew who had been watching silently.
    “Thank you,” she said. “What you have done for humanity is exceptional. You should be proud of yourselves. You have reset the clock on the world’s destruction and unleashed a tide of silliness and happiness on the planet. It would be hard for folks to fuck things up at this point, even humans.
    “Each of you now has a choice. Option A is to stay the way you are, biologically. You are all now different from everyone else. You have become spirits or demigods like Alura, Bathory and Makala. You have an eternity of beautiful life ahead of you, but you are not human nor will you ever be human again. Unless…
    “Option B, if you want, we can turn you back into what you were before this adventure began. You can then leave and slip anonymously back into the stream of normal human life. Nobody ever need know you were part of this. However, if you choose this option, you will also lose the long life and health that comes with your current forms.
    “Each of you needs to decide this, and soon.”
    “Hold up,” Olympia said. “Why would I ever want to go back?”
    “Yeah, really,” said Ona.
    “Seriously,” Clementina said.
    Gaia looked at the group before her. “Does anyone want to go back?”
    There was a long silence, then my grandmother spoke up. “To the contrary, I want to thank all of you, and in ...
    ... particular Roshele, Clementina, and Eva...or Gaia, for this adventure and this new body.”
    There were quiet murmurs of assent.
    Gaia smiled. “Wise decision. Then let’s go. Your world has changed. Your home has changed. Your life has changed. Enjoy!”
    “Party time!” my grandmother said.
    As we turned to go, I tapped my mother/Gaia on the shoulder.
    “Um, just out of curiosity…” I started.
    “Well, um, I mean, it used to be that when you and I...well..you know...it used to usually be back there. But this time you insisted it was up front. I was just curious if, now that you’re a goddess, if things have changed.”
    My mother/Gaia smiled. “The One had to put his seed in Gaia’s womb to rebirth the Earth, it was all ceremony. Don’t worry, now that’s done we can return to ‘party in the back’. And now that I’ve got a big, real cock like you, I will be returning the favor.”
    “I can’t wait,” I replied.
    She winked at me and slapped my ass, then turned and shook her purple anal sheath at me, being a tease.
    Some things never change. Thankfully.
    * * * *
    [Meanwhile...on the television…]
    “I’d like ‘Science Trivia’ for a thousand.”
    “The answer is ‘This part of the human body is used primarily for repro…’”
    Screen goes blank. Long silence. Queue ‘ABC News’ theme music.
    “We are interrupting our regularly scheduled programming to bring you startling news on a global scale. Thirty minutes ago, gigantic purple clouds appeared over world capitals, global ...