1. Clementina, Chapter 7 – Goddess & Afterward

    Date: 3/29/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Transgendered, Author: JackDRipper

    This is Chapter 7, containing only part XXX, which is the conclusion. There is a brief author’s afterward at the end, so stick around. If you found the ending bewildering, be sure to read the afterward.
    The usual reminders apply that this is partly a horror story (though there really isn't much horror in this last part), and that the story takes liberties with the genders.
    Thanks for coming along on this ride. Enjoy!
    Clementina, Chapter 7 – Goddess
    The room glowed purple as the tentacles lowered me to the ground. Another pillar of light appeared at the far end of the room opposite the door.
    Makala took my mother’s hand and led her to the pillar of light, placing her next to it, almost inside it.
    A soft, feminine voice called out from the light.
    “Earth,” it said. Makala stood next to the light.
    “Water,” it called next. Alura took Makala’s hand.
    “Sky,” the voice said. Bathory took the other two spirits’ hands and they formed a circle around the light and my mother. Slowly they began a rhythmic dance around the light pillar and my mom, moving this way and that, twisting and shaking. A hum began to fill the room.
    Then suddenly they stopped. The light had turned bright purple and engulfed my mother. The three spirits dropped their hands, stepped two steps backwards and slipped to their knees, pressing their foreheads to the floor and bowing in supplication front of the pillar.
    There was a long pause, then a woman – my mother - stepped ...
    ... out but she was transformed. She still had the full phallite features – heavy chest, narrow waist, full hips - but her tentacle labia were gone, replace with the typical phallite thick labia, and she sported a meaty cock instead of a clitoris. She was heavily adorned in gold jewelry and purple jewels all over her body – her ears were pierced up and down the lobes, her nose, her eyebrows too. She had jewelry wrapped around her biceps, hips, ankles. She wore bangles on her wrists, along with pierced nipples, pierced labia, pierced cock, etc. Everywhere you looked there was gold or violet gems.
    From the slime at her feet, a light phallite climbed her leg and her body, coming to rest on her shoulder.
    She moved and stood in front of me.
    “My son, you are the One,” she said. Not a question, a statement.
    I nodded. “Mom? Who are you?” I asked.
    “I have many names,” she replied. “Perhaps the one you may be most familiar with is Gaia.”
    “Wow,” I heard Clementina say from behind me.
    I had never been in the presence of a true god or goddess before. I knelt on one knee and bowed my head. Gaia laughed a high lilting laugh that was beautiful, like the sound of birdsong on a sunny spring morning.
    “Oh please,” she said, smiling. “Stand up. None of this silliness. I’m still your mother.”
    “As you wish,” I said, climbing to my feet. “How long have you known…I mean...what the fuck?”
    “I knew nothing until you touched the Sigil of the One. Then I knew everything. Things in ...