1. Black Cat (Part I)

    Date: 3/8/2024, Categories: Fiction Black, Cum Swallowing First Time Hardcore Interracial, Male/Teen Female Non-consensual sex Rape Reluctance Spanking, Teen Water Sports/Pissing, Young Author: axs, Source: sexstories.com

    ... you…”
    “Nope…” She got up, ran to the stairway, turned around. And with what was probably the worst Schwarzenegger impersonation ever: “I’ll be back”. Pause. “This is where you say: ‘Hasta la Vista, baby’”. She rolled her eyes and was gone. Back not even a minute later, with two glasses and a fresh pitcher of ice water.
    She poured both of us a glass and again downed her glass in one long gulp.
    “You must have the cleanest urinal tract in all of New Jersey”.
    Why. Can’t. I. Just. Shut. Up.
    “Hold that thought. What did I miss?”
    “Not much. Dewey and the reporter were introduced, but you’re gonna see a lot of them later, so no worries.”
    “Great”. Cat put the popcorn bowl on the table and sat down on the two-seater in the middle of the couch.
    “Do you mind? To be honest… it is a little scary.”
    “It’s ok. Tell me if it gets too much.”
    “No no no, not too much… I’m just used to grabbing my mom when we watch something scary.”
    “What kind of scary movies have you watched?”
    “Like…” Pause. She looked down. “Twilight”. It took a lot of restraint to not laugh.
    “I know… that’s lame. But I have watched ‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night’ with Narges. That was like really scary”.
    I gave her an approving nod. Say what you want, but she’s always good for a surprise. That movie was on my shelf. Special Edition and all. Yes, that’s how cool I am.
    We focused on the movie. Cat sat next to me, but with a good foot between us. I relaxed. Had a sip of water. When ...
    ... I reached for the popcorn, Cat grabbed the bowl without looking and held it for me. I took some and she set it back on the table, without ever taking her eyes off the screen.
    Boring part of the movie, lots of talk and most of the meta references didn’t land with a kid who had never watched any of the movies Scream was quoting.
    “Hey, sorry, I totally forgot to ask you. Is it ok if two friends come over tomorrow. I really don’t want to disturb you or anything, we can go downstairs and… uhm… work on our project”
    “It’s no problem. And you know I have promised your mom… so I’d rather you meet here. Girls from your class?”
    “Nope, Narges is one grade above me and Ti is in 9th grade”
    “They’re in different grades but you have projects together?”
    “I’ll explain later, ok? Narges wants to come around noon and Ti later. He has water gymnastics on Saturday.”
    “Water gymnastics? Is he like 60?”
    “No… I guess you’ll understand when you see him”.
    We had taken our eyes off the screen while we talked. Suddenly a loud bang and when Cat turned her head. Ghostface jumped out of the dark and stabbed the principal. Cat screamed and jumped, she turned to me and hid her head against my shoulder. Grabbed my arm. My cock had been mostly dormant during the last 20 minutes, but now it woke up… feeling her pressed against me… her breath on my arm… I couldn’t say for sure, but it felt like something hard and pointy under her nightgown was brushing my arm… I exhaled… tried to calm ...