1. Black Cat (Part I)

    Date: 3/8/2024, Categories: Fiction Black, Cum Swallowing First Time Hardcore Interracial, Male/Teen Female Non-consensual sex Rape Reluctance Spanking, Teen Water Sports/Pissing, Young Author: axs, Source: sexstories.com

    ... average. I never heard any complaints about it. I also had never heard any praise for it. Average. The way I had used it when I was still having sex… probably average. I hoped.
    I got out of the bathroom and stepped into the big home cinema room - and froze. Cat was standing there, a small package of microwave popcorn in her hand. She was wearing a loose ankle-length white nightgown with a small scoop neck and long sleeves. Very conservative and not at all revealing… well, revealing in the sense that I could see that she didn’t have any curves at all. But still… a nightgown.
    “Uhm, what’s that?”
    “My PJs are in the washer and this is the only proper movie night attire I had. Sorry, I look like a lamppost in it”
    “You look… OK. But I didn’t know we would…”
    “I look OK? You’re quite a player, aren’t you?” Another wink and the twitch was back.
    “Lemme make the popcorn and you handle the…” She waved her hands around the room “...cinema stuff”.
    She ran down and I could hear the door of the microwave pop open. I pushed one button on my central remote and the BluRay player, sound system and projector were on. I put the Scream BluRay into the player, turned the volume down, waited for all the startup crap, chose play from the main menu, and hit pause. I turned the volume up.
    The cinema screen is almost 15 feet wide and the U-shaped couch is 10 feet away from the screen. It has a two-seater in the middle and an ottoman on both sides. I sat down on the right ottoman ...
    ... and just then, Cat came in, carrying a ridiculously large glass bowl with a tiny pile of popcorn in it.
    “Sorry, couldn’t find another bowl that looked nice. But as they say, size doesn’t matter, right?”
    “Uhm, yes, sure… take a seat. We can switch if you want the right side”
    “No, it’s fine. She laid down on the left side of the couch and placed the bowl on the two seats between us. I could reach it easily, but Cat had to lean over to her right to grab a handful of popcorn.
    I started the movie. Cat took some popcorn and then, with a full mouth: “Hey, that’s the girl from E.T., right?” - “Yes” - “Cool, I like her” - “Hmmm…”
    It took only a few minutes and Cat was quiet. Very quiet. Tense. She stared at the screen, a piece of popcorn in her hand, but it never made it to her mouth. Captivated.
    The scenes with the boyfriend on the terrace came on. It was bloodier than I remembered and Cat screamed. Then Ghostface chased Drew Barrymore and finally the knife into her belly… total silence, I could hear Cat breathing.
    “Holy fuck”
    “We can turn it off if you…”
    “Are you kidding me? This is like the coolest shit ever. They just killed off E.T.s girlfriend.”
    I looked at her. She mouthed “Thank you” and I gave her a thumbs up. You want lame? I got it.
    The movie slowed down, lots of exposition - and the first call of Ghostface to Sidney.
    “Any murders in the next 2 minutes?”
    “Uhm, I don’t think so, but it’s been some time since I watched it. I can pause if ...