1. Black Cat (Part I)

    Date: 3/8/2024, Categories: Fiction Black, Cum Swallowing First Time Hardcore Interracial, Male/Teen Female Non-consensual sex Rape Reluctance Spanking, Teen Water Sports/Pissing, Young Author: axs, Source: sexstories.com

    ... down…
    “Sorry… this was unexpected. I’m such a wuss…”
    “You looked like you had just peed yourself…” (My god, shut up…)
    “Hold that thought. Anyways, thanks for letting my friends come over. They’re cool and very… well-behaved. Trust me, no parties with this bunch. And only soft drugs”
    Cat was still hugging my arm and I was still trying to breathe slowly. Inhale. Exhale.
    “Tell me if I’m, you know, like… violating your personal space or something. But this is like I watch scary movies with my mom”.
    “It’s ok… but you could maybe stop pulling on my arm”.
    “Ooops, sorry.”
    We sat like this. Cat leaned against me, her head on my shoulder, her arms wrapped around my upper arm. She leaned forward, grabbed some popcorn, put some in her mouth, and held her hand in front of my face, just an inch or two from my mouth.
    “Uhm, thank you…” I leaned back to give myself some room and took a few pieces from her hand. (“I’m such a wuss”... that makes two of us I guess)
    On the screen, the night party started. The pace was picking up. With the screen going almost completely dark, the room itself was getting dark, too. I looked to the side. Cat was almost invisible in the dark. All I could see was the white in her big eyes and sometimes her teeth when she nibbled another piece of popcorn. My cock was so hard it hurt. The tight boxers had been a good idea to hide my erection. They had been a really bad idea when it came to blood flow through my nether regions. The head of ...
    ... my cock was pushing against the tight waistband. It felt like someone was strangling it.
    Cat leaned forward and took another big gulp of water and some popcorn. I used this to rearrange my hard cock, pull the waistband down a bit so the head wasn’t pressed flat. It was still well hidden under my wide jogging pants but it felt a whole lot better.
    Cat snuggled back against me, now she was hugging my arm with her left arm and her right arm found its way around my neck, her head resting on my shoulder. I was slouched down and she was sitting upright, this was the only way this tiny girl could rest her head the way she did. I had my breathing under control and even though my cock was still hard, it felt much better when it wasn’t constrained by the tight boxers. No problem. No problem at all.
    The scene with the car. Sidney in the car, no keys. Ghostface outside, with keys. Sidney frantically pushing the door locks down before Ghostface unlocked them again. Cat was pressing harder against me, looked away from the screen, got on her knees, her back to the screen, looking over her shoulder. A jump scare and she screamed, bounced off the couch, fell down and just when I leaned forward to help her, another jump scare and Cat did something like a crooked summersault accompanied by a high-pitch squeal … and suddenly she was no longer on the two-seater left of me but lodged between my right side and the couch. She was lying half on top of me, half next to me, her head buried in my ...